Please keep it coming
Friday, 12th Apr 2013Pars Supporters Trust Update on Funds raised by Friday 12 April 2013.
Once again grateful thanks for all your donations over the past two weeks.There has been a great response in such a short time and we have so far raised: -
£25,743 for the administration fund
£8,030 for the staff/players support fund ( ~ £1,310 remaining)
£3,000 per month in standing orders to go to the administrator
Now that we are in full administration the main issue is continued funding. Bryan Jackson, the administrator has stressed that although the financial support has been outstanding we still have to survive until the end of the season and beyond. He is urging fans and businesses to dig deep to keep the Club afloat financially over the summer.
Collections at ASDA on Friday 12th April have also brought in an additional £1695.
There is still a long way to go so we are again asking supporters to please continue to help in any way you can. You can do this by -
?Coming in large numbers to the last two home games of the season, to support and encourage the players in their bid to avoid relegation and increase the income to the administrator.
?Donating to the administration fund.
?Donating to the staff/players support fund.The young players in the first team and under 20s are struggling financially and our help has been very much appreciated.We are asking so much of them and the staff just now. The under 20s have two games every week to play, a cup final and are being selected for the first team. We have given money to help with their costs, including petrol so that they can get to training and we gave £200 for medical supplies as there were none.
?Setting up a standing order for a weekly/monthly amount to help the club.
?Volunteering to help at the Pars United fundraising events - contact
The Pars Supporters' Trust has a Standing Order mandate which can be used for donations (this can be downloaded from the PST website).All of these funds will be handed over to the Administrator in regular amounts.
All funds received are going into a new bank account and will be managed totally by the Administrator and his team for the day to day running of the club.We still need as many supporters as possible giving a one-off donation, and/or a regular weekly or a monthly donation.
Donations can also be paid directly into the Trust's bank Account, please confirm your donation by sending a note to Can you please indicate if your donation is for the administration fund or the hardship fund?
Bank of Scotland
IBAN No (If donating from abroad) : GB81BOFS80065500662309
A/c No : 00662309
Sort Code : 80:06:55
Overseas code BOFSGB2S
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