Dunfermline Athletic

Managers post Kilmarnock

Saturday, 16th Oct 2021

16/10/21: link to audio of both managers’ post match comments

- - Listen to this Peter Grant interview

After a 95th minute equaliser Pars manager Peter Grant commented:-

“I have never faulted the guys for their commitment and their effort. We make errors for sure and and I think a lot of chances came. Today when the ball went out for a throw in we just seemed to never pick up. Any chance they got were really from a throw in. Some people might think that it is crazy to say that but that was a fact.

“I must give them great credit, they showed fantastic spirit after losing the goal the way that we did and after Kai missing a great chance then to lose a goal from a fantastic tackle from Ryan the way we did, it just seemed that was the way it was going to be.

“The one thing that I can say about these boys is that they have shown great commitment. You leave everything on that football pitch whenever you play a game and to a man they did that today.

“It was obviously a concern to play Vytas (Gašpuitis) because he hadn’t trained with us until yesterday and he has been away for two weeks (with Lithuania). I am always concerned when people are away on international duty, especially when not playing.

“We had a couple of other niggles with some of the boys who dragged themselves out and Dan Pybus has got out of his sick bed to play. Great credit to him, he was sick five or six times on the pitch in the first half which is incredible really. The kid wanted to keep playing. He had been booked and we were just a bit concerned in the second half that we could end up losing a man through his desire to do well so we made the change.

“As I have said, I think it is so important that the guys on the bench are so effective. I think we have a good mix, Kai had a great opportunity to score. Nikolay came on, he has done nothing wrong, but he has been carrying an injury and missed ten days training and he has just come back in about.

“Craig (Wighton) has played today and it was probably played his best game and showed that wee bit more desire and commitment. I know the talent that he has got but there is no real success without hard work. I thought that they thoroughly deserved at least that at the end of the game. I was delighted with the effort that they put in especially in the run of games that we are on, it is easy to put your head down and throw the towel down late in the game.

“They kept going and it is ironic that Aaron scores the goal and that shows you his determination to get into the back post to get the opportunity for the goal. I think that summed up the spirit within the group.”

Dan Pybus showed clear commitment to get out of his sick bed and fight for the cause even though he was unwell during the game?

“He has been fantastic. I knew what I was getting when I signed Dan. I had always liked Dan when I had played against him. He is very effective and has a fantastic attitude to his game. He has a great desire and great work ethic, he was another who has not had much football before the season unfortunately.

“We are trying to get his game legs because he had a hamstring injury last season. He wants to train every day even though he still feels that. He was texting at half past four in the morning that he was ill and could he take the next day off.

“He has been sick and we kept him away from the rest of the players. We are glad obviously that it wasn’t covid but then he comes in today and puts a shift in. As I have said before, it is very easy to say ‘I will miss this one” especially when you are not winning games of football. That shows fantastic commitment. I am absolutely delighted with him.

“I think he is a shining light in respect of the way that he goes about his business every day and every game that he has played in. People may say ‘he never did this, he never did that’ but the one think you can’t doubt is his commitment and desire to do well.”

You must have been pleased with Dom Thomas, scoring a goal on his first start since August 5th?

“I left Dom out when he was the captain, that is very very difficult to do. I know his talent and know what to expect. Supporters expect you to give everything that you have got. He is a match winner, I have said that to him. I don’t pick the team during the week, only on a Saturday.

“He has been great, his numbers are fantastic and he deserves his opportunity again. All I ask is that you give everything that you have got and I think to a man they showed that. That’s great credit to him because going through a run like this it is easy to down tools and hide a little bit. Every single one of them deserves great credit for that.

“It is not easy when you have lost a goal so late had a bit of the rub of the green going against you in a period of the game. That’s football, they kept going, trying to do the right things and I thought they got at least their just rewards at the end of the game.”

You must have been pleased that so many fans had seen the game out and the 95th minute equaliser?

“It is our job to send the fans home happy, that is what they come to see and I want them here for the full ninety, ninety five minutes. As I have said from day one I am not one for currying favour. I understand the criticism that has come but I think they showed a commitment today and if you show fans a commitment I think that they respond and I think they did that to a man today.”

- - Hear the comments of Tommy Wright

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