Dunfermline Athletic

Managers Post St Johnstone

Saturday, 10th Nov 2007

Stephen Kenny and Owen Coyle

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Stephen Kenny commented after the match:-

"I thought we had a really good first half, played a lot of good football, crossed the ball really well and created a few chances. I think Stephen (Glass)'s disallowed goal was definitely a wrong decision because Tam McManus has actually chested it and Stephen has come from behind him to finish. He can't be offside, obviously you can't be offside from that. He was just off his shoulder and kept behind him until he was actually running on to it. You have to accept the decision.

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"Mark Burchill hit the underside of the bar with a header and we had a few chances. In fairness I think St Johnstone did well in the second half and we found Kenny Deuchar a real handful when they get it into the box like that. We had to defend deep in the second half.

"When I look at the shape of the team and the way that the team played, I look at the midfield as a crucial area where we have struggled in recent weeks. Stephen Simmons did really well for us in the first half - he was influential for us I felt. It was probably the best first half of the season for him.

"When you consider that Bobby Ryan didn't have a pre season and had an operation, Scott Muirhead broke his metatarsal and Stephen Simmons was carried off against Ayr with an ankle injury that put him out for a month. That was our midfield and in the last 20 - 25 minutes they were running out of gas. It was because these players had been out for long periods.

"St Johnstone to their credit hit that ball into the box, they got people up and supporting them. For us we had a couple of 3v2 situations, and 2v1 at times and one on ones but we didn't make the best of them to hit the target a few times when we should have scored.

"We worked hard for each other and there was an honesty about. With St Johnstone getting balls like that into the box and Rocco playing in midfield and players supporting him, we got crucial blocks that we haven't done in recent weeks. That's where there was an honesty about them.

"I am not jumping up and down because we drew nil all away from home. We need to score goals and we need to win matches, no one knows that more than ourselves. We weren't going too well and we won three in a week and looked like we were getting better. We looked strong defensively then those three weeks were just a nightmare three weeks really with the goals that we conceded. To get hammered like that, I have never experienced anything like that nor have the club in a good few seasons. It is something that you wouldn't want to experience.

"I am glad that we kept a clean sheet. There was a honesty about everyone in their determination and their effort. A few players who have missed periods are not as fit as they could be. In two weeks time they will be in better shape when we play in the Cup Final."

It may be that Stephen will have to go into that match without Tam McManus who was carried off in 33rd minute:-

"It was a bad challenge. He was tackled from behind, clearly taken out of it and it is just one of those situations. He is in hospital having X rays so we will just have to wait and see. We have fingers crossed."

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One goal in five games is that why Michael McGlinchey has been brought in?

"With our injury list the way it is we have had to throw teenagers in. Teenagers with very little experience and Michael is an intelligent player who can play in a few positions. We want players like that who give us a bit extra when they come on. He didn't meet the players until yesterday, he didn't know their names. It is difficult when a fellow comes in like that only yesterday and Danny Murphy only came in a week ago so you don't like throwing bodies in like that but he can be a good player for us and he will get experience."

St Johnstone Manager, Owen Coyle:-

"I thought it was an even game; there were loads of chances at either end. I have to say that I thought there were a couple of stonewall penalties in the game. I am trying not to be biased but for the life of me I can't see why they weren't given.

"We know that Dunfermline have a good squad of players but having said that we were looking for three points so we are disappointed and a little bit frustrated.  We passed the ball as well as we can. The second half was better from us, we forced the play and had to score when we were on top. A few chances went a begging.

"I don't know if Deuchar impeded the lad in the first half.  That was probably one of our better moves - down the left and a great cross and a great header from Kenny Deuchar but the referee has deemed it to be a foul.

"When Bamba went through the back of Jackson, for the life of me the whole stadium and I thought that was a penalty.  As it was it wasn't given and these were big turning points in the game."

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