Dunfermline Athletic

Manager Post Stranraer

Saturday, 26th Oct 2013

26/10/13: JJ - "The only disappointment was maybe we could have had a couple of more goals ...

Jim Jefferies at Stranraer

Jim Jefferies
was pleased with the result but unhappy how his team had to come from behind to take all three points from their match at Stranraer.

"The first time they went up the park they got into a decent position but the player should have been offside, we played him onside because the inexperienced full back allowed himself to be dragged in there. When he got in there he should have closed the boy down and not let him get a shot. It was a shot from a tight angle and we were all a bit shocked because we had started as well as we have any game.

"They got a lift to have something to hold on to, we had a lot of possession, again one or two things didn't fall for us. We said at half time 'look you'd better get used to it because there are going to be games like this in these conditions with winter setting in.' I don't care about playing pretty football, we get plaudits about that and that takes care of itself. Sometimes you have to win a bit ugly.

Josh Falkingham

"The message was to get it in behind them early because when they played it forward in the first half it was swirling a little bit and the ball was holding up. We just changed it to 4-4-2 with a tight four just to knock it in. We preach at training to knock it about but once we got forward earlier with not too many passes, we pressed and didn't let them out. Things were falling for us in the final third, we were getting a chance to run at them and cause them a lot of problems.

"The only disappointment was maybe we could have had a couple of more goals. If you take their first half strike from Aitken that went passed the post I don't think they had many other chances. There was a pot shot that nearly take our goalie unawares/ Apart from that we dealt with everything great and put in a fantastic shift.

"We had said to them that you need to learn how to win games like this when the conditions were not ideal for both teams. They were strong and physical but I thought that we coped with it great. It was a really outstanding win for them today and they deserved it.

Ryan Thomson v Stranraer

"The way things have gone for us in the last couple of weeks, playing East Fife off the park for 75 minutes and we lost 2-1 because we didn't take our chances. We got sloppy in the last 15 minutes but we didn't do that today.

"Having gone 1-0 behind we showed a lot of character today in these conditions when it would have been easy for a young team to say "here we go again". We played them a few weeks ago and we know that they are a good side, we had to match them in terms of how the conditions determine how you play. So it was great experience for them to adapt - bad conditions but a great result.

Robert Thomson tries to head home

"It was fully merited although we were always looking for that third goal. We had a couple of good chances, one for Robert Thomson at the back post with a header, one or two things didn't go for us and a couple of shots went in to the goalkeeper that he didn't have any trouble with. Josh got one blocked on the line from a good move. It makes the journey worthwhile and the pizza's taste better on the way home."

The fans made their presence known at Stair Park and the Manager praised their commitment:-

"They have come down here and got well behind us and its been a huge turmoil for them, but even when we went 1 nil down they were right behind the boys, kept encouraging them in difficult conditions. They kept spiriting the boys on and they are going up the road now and their pizzas and fish and chips are tasting better now.

fans at Stranraer

"It is good we because we are going into a Scottish Cup weekend and the result takes us back up second equal. It is where we are at the end of the season that matters but the big test for us today and in the weeks ahead we will face conditions like this, not ideal conditions where you just have to stick together, compete, work and try to do the right things. Today that is what we did and I am sure they will learn that they need that type of determination and spirit when the grounds get a bit heavier."

The Manager commented on discussions they had over the pre-match lunch in a Stranraer hotel which had reflected upon the ability for any team in this league to beat their opponents.

"It is difficult to predict results. Who would have thought that Forfar, who were bottom of the league would beat us when we had just won 5-1 the week before. Everyone thinks it's a banker, but we lose 4-0. East Fife came last week, we were winning 1-0 but just couldn't get the second goal to kill them off and you get results like that. Stranraer had good results before today and their confidence was up. They adapted to the conditions as well, they were maybe a bit used to it with the physical attributes to deal with it. We had to match it, we did and we came out on top."


Listen to Stranraer Manager Post Match comments

Match report: Stranraer 1 Dunfermline 2


Views : 2,760

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