Dunfermline Athletic

Fans welcome outcome of CVA Meeting

Wednesday, 31st Jul 2013

Fans urged to keep backing the Club


Pars United welcome the tremendous news that, at the CVA (Company Voluntary Arrangement) meeting held on Wednesday at East End Park, the creditors of Dunfermline Athletic voted in favour of accepting the proposals put to them by Bryan Jackson and Bob Barclay of BDO.

Bob Garmory, on behalf of Pars United said:-

 "We thank each and every creditor who voted for this outcome. We know that many have suffered greatly from the financial problems of the football club. We now pay tribute to them. This vote will allow Dunfermline Athletic to begin a re-building process under a wide spread of supporter ownership.

"We must also thank every fan of Dunfermline Athletic for their patience and support and everyone who has helped us by freely giving us the benefit of their time and experience. It is very much appreciated. Hundreds of families in West Fife, and around the world, have given significant financial and personal support to save a club whose history is very dear to their hearts.

"We are very much aware that there is still a tremendous amount of work to be done if the damage which the club has suffered in recent times is to be repaired. The fund raising effort of the Pars fans to date has been nothing short of exceptional, particularly in such tough economic times. They have really been like a "12th Man" over the last few months.

"However, it is important to stress to supporters the need for all types of fund raising to continue. Even when the club comes out of administration, it will not be "debt free", and a number of further issues will require to be addressed by Pars United, at a cost, as a matter of urgency to ensure the long term sustainability of our Football Club. Therefore, now that there is, at last, clarity about the future ownership of club and ground we urge more supporters to step forward in even greater numbers."

Pars United are aware of a significant number of supporters who have indicated that they were waiting for the CVA to be passed before making any commitment to "Buy the Pars". Therefore, with this last obstacle out of the way, can we urge:

1.  More Pars Supporters and Patrons to come forward with funds. To date circa 350 named supporters have contributed to "Buy The Pars" raising £111,000, whilst 16 Patrons have contributed £333,000.  We set a minimum level of £500,000 for this stage, but had hoped to exceed it.

?Anyone who would like to know more details about becoming a Pars Patron can contact us on parsutd@aol.com in strict confidence.

?Any Pars Supporter who would like to contribute between £100 and £4,999 can do so by visiting www.buythepars.org  

2. Supporters who have not yet done so to buy season tickets. We have sold just under 1400 (which is remarkable with all of the uncertainty), but need to sell a further 300 to reach our minimum target.

3. Fans to respond to appeals, which will be made in the coming season, for people with specific skills to volunteer to help the club,. Those who do will be joining a growing and enthusiastic group of people.

4. The fans to continue to organise and support any fund-raising events to be held over the coming season.

We will shortly be announcing details of the third phase of our plan to revive the Club. Following on from the successes of "Save the Pars" and "Buy the Pars", we will be moving to the "Keep the Pars" phase.

The aims of this are to provide Jim Jefferies with some much needed funds and more immediately, to raise money to improve the club's working capital position.  Dunfermline Athletic is very fortunate to be able to retain a man of his stature within Scottish football, and we need to provide every support and assistance we can to Jim and his group of talented young players.In addition, Pars United will shortly be looking at launching a monthly contribution scheme, whereby supporters contribute an affordable regular amount by direct debit.

Bob Garmory continued:-

"It has been said that we are a small provincial club. But I know that we are a great club, with great traditions and great supporters. We have contributed much to Scottish football and will have much to contribute in the future. We represent a proud community, and we value our heritage.  We want our club to be based on supporter ownership, transparency and accountability.

"We need to make funds available to Jim Jefferies to strengthen the squad when we are able to do so, without damaging our working capital base. Therefore, if you are a Pars fan who has not yet contributed to "Buy The Pars" then please can I encourage you do so. Your club needs you! With the help of the people of Dunfermline and the wider area, we can do it.Indeed we will do it - together!"

Margaret Ross, Chairperson of the Pars Supporters' Trust said:-

"The creditors of the club have been brave. They have given the club a chance to survive and be re-built. We will do this in an open and transparent way. We recognise that this generation holds the club, its ideals, memories, traditions and dreams in trust for the next. The ownership will henceforth be widely spread among Pars supporters wherever they live.

"Now that there is no more uncertainty I would strongly urge any Pars Supporter who has not yet contributed to "Buy the Pars", and is in a position to do so, to visit www.buythepars.org as soon as possible.I'd also like to thank Paul Goodwin and Supporters Direct for all their help."

Issued on behalf of Pars United, The Pars Supporters' Trust and Supporters Direct Scotland. 

Listen to interview with Drew Main, Vice Chair of the Pars Supporters Trust

Pars United formed to create an inclusive group for all Pars Supporters, existing solely to secure Dunfermline Athletic Football Club (DAFC), in its current form, and work towards a more sustainable future. It is important that all Pars fans are united behind clear leadership and a new vision to rebuild our club.

Everyone who contributes to the current and future well-being of DAFC is effectively part of Pars United: from the boardroom to the players, staff and fans; every individual, group, supporters club, benefactor, sponsor and investor. We all come together and work together under the Pars United banner.

The Pars Supporters' Trust was established in 2004. Its vision is to focus the support and passion for the PARS through the Trust to influence the key issues affecting our common goals. The profit for all will be watching the PARS going from strength to strength. We will unite all supporters on a common platform to develop and deliver our support for the maximum benefit of the Club and the communities in which we live.

Supporters Direct Scotland is part of a wider European fans movement operating in over 20 countries that supports the development of sustainable community owned football clubs. It is also committed to providing a platform for fans of all clubs and to all groups and individuals to make their voice heard.

Supporters Direct was formed in 2000 as an initiative of the UK Government. Its goal is to 'promote sustainable spectator sports clubs based on supporters involvement and community ownership'. Supporters Direct is a Community Benefit Society registered with the Financial Services Authority and owned by its member Clubs and Supporters Societies.


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Archived website
This website served as the official Dunfermline Athletic website from season 2006-2007 until season 2022-2023.

Stories, match reports and interviews for these seasons can still be accessed here.

The current DAFC website with up to date information is on this link https://DAFC.co.uk
DAFC Archives
Dunfermline Athletic Heritage Trust. Information on past players, fixtures, league tables and archives can be found at www.daht.org.uk
For Season 2023/2024 SPFL regulations mean that on a Saturday afternoon we have to offer a Subscription service for overseas viewers. This will either be a monthly or a yearly subscription (on a Saturday it is FOR OVERSEAS viewers only - some dates are exempt.) https://ParsTV.co.uk
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