Dunfermline Athletic

DAFC Board Changes

Friday, 3rd Jun 2016

Ross McArthur appointed as new Chairman

Following our club’s promotion to the SPFL Championship, DAFC announce the first of a number of changes behind the scenes as we look forward to the demands, both on and off the field, of playing at a higher level.

Our club’s Managing Director, Ross McArthur will now take on the role of Chairman, with current Chairman, Bob Garmory reverting to a different role on the Board.

Ross McArthur stated “it is both an honour and privilege to take on the role of Chairman, at the club that I have supported passionately all my life. When I first got involved trying to save our club, I never saw such a day coming to be honest. However, I intend to continue the good work of Bob by representing our club professionally, and acting with dignity and integrity as our club still has a lot of bridges to re-build within Scottish Football. What was significant for me, was the fact that all of my fellow Board members asked me to take on this role, and their backing and support has been, and will continue to be, so important.

I have also said many times already, that our supporters will never be taken for granted and our Board will continue to be transparent, open and entirely honest as DAFC needs the continuing engagement of our fan base to maintain the progression of our club.

It is a very, very proud day for me, but on a personal basis it is tinged with some sadness as my father is not here to see it, as he passed away a few short months ago. We are, and will continue to be, a family and community club - hence why we all fought hard together to save our club, for future generations of families across West Fife.

I am also delighted that Billy Braisby has agreed to act as Vice Chairman in the new set up, as Billy has been an unbelievable help to me since joining the Board a couple of years ago. In addition, I am also pleased David McMorrine will continue to act as our club’s Financial Controller, as his diligence and expertise has been crucial. Ian Hunter will continue to support the Board with his legal and financial expertise and I am delighted that Kip McBay, Jim Leishman and Margaret Ross have all agreed to continue their tenure on the Board as well, as our club needs continuity.

Next week, I will announce the appointment of a new General Manager who will work closely with me, over the coming months, to take on many of the day to day management tasks that I currently undertake. It is important that our club now looks at a succession plan for the future and starts to re-build an effective management infrastructure.

Finally, on behalf of my fellow Board members, I would like to take this opportunity to thank Bob for his considerable efforts on behalf of our club, not only over the last two and half years as Chairman, but as I know, a good number of months before that when we worked together very closely to create the whole concept of Pars United.

I can confirm that Bob intimated his desire to step down from the Board in October last year, due to increased work commitments, following the Purvis Group acquiring a couple of new businesses. It was agreed not to make any changes until the end of the season. In the intervening period, having given the matter some further thought, we are delighted that Bob has now agreed to remain on the Board and take responsibility, amongst other things, for the management of the stadium repair and maintenance programme working closely with Jim Thomson and maintaining continuity with his Purvis Group colleagues, who provide so much assistance to our club”.

Bob Garmory stated “It has been a wonderful honour and huge privilege to have been able to fulfil the role of chairman of DAFC. However having completed phase 1 of our recovery and rebuilding programme it is now time to hand the reins over to Ross McArthur a man in whom I have absolute faith and trust. We all now need to redouble our efforts to support Ross and the Board as we work towards our next goal which is to permanently re-establish our club in the top tier of Scottish football. I would like at this point to thank all my fellow board members and the Pars fans, who have helped me in the last two and half years to carry out my duties, without you my job would have been so much harder. Also I would like to place on record my thanks for the wonderful support given by Bob Purvis, Jim Thomson and my wife Anne”.

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