Dunfermline Athletic

Josh up to beat the blues

Saturday, 23rd Jan 2016

"We have come up against Peterhead who are quite physical and try and press us.

Josh Falkingham is looking forward to the trip to Peterhead and the opportunity to put right their only away defeat in the league this year:-

"We know that they are on a good run of form at the minute but we are in good form ourselves. We played well in two cup games and had a little bit of a breather last weekend with the game being off. The boys are fresh and looking forward to getting back into the league campaign now the cup business is out of the way."

Josh is very grateful that the club is looking after the players in recognising that one of only two league defeats was at Peterhead last time.

"It is now up to the players to make sure that we get a good result on Saturday. We stayed over once before when we went up to Elgin, we got a good result when the boys felt better. It is a long day and Peterhead do it every other week but it is definitely better from a player's perspective than travelling up on the day of the game.

"Obviously you are staying in a hotel but it is like a home game. You get to wake up, have your breakfast and can look forward to the game."

Josh reflected the feeling of the first team squad disappointed that the home match against Albion Rovers last Saturday was postponed due to a frozen pitch:-

"You play for your game on a Saturday but the timing coming after two tough games and late coming home from Ross County on the Tuesday night. On the Thursday you could tell that the boys were still a bit tired.

They give us no space to play the way we like to play. It is a game plan that had worked for them and I am sure that they will be trying that game plan again.

Josh Falkinham

"We were disappointed because when you are on a run of form, playing well you don't feel tired. When you are winning games your legs don't feel tired. In your head you are so confident that you just want to play every other day. It is not a problem the way we have been playing. Looking back on it the postponement might have been a little blessing and help.

"There is a little gap but that is all it is. We are playing Peterhead and in one result that gap can change. The games after this include Ayr United in a few weeks so that will be tough. We need to focus on each and every game and hope that the gap gets bigger.

"First and foremost we know we have a tough game on Saturday. We know how tough it is because we did not get a result last time we were up there. We know what kind of game that we will be in for and we have to make sure that we are prepared right and get the result that we are looking for."

Peterhead are difficult opponents and Josh felt that all teams and managers have different ways of playing against Dunfermline like they have against other teams.

"We have come up against Peterhead who are quite physical and try and press us. They give us no space to play the way we like to play. It is a game plan that had worked for them and I am sure that they will be trying that game plan again. We just have to make sure that we are ready from what we have seen and now hopefully learned from the mistakes that we made against them.

"We have to make sure that we come out of the traps and be right in their faces rather than them being in our faces. It will be a tough game, with it being in winter you don't know what the pitch is going to be like. All we can do is prepare right."

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