Origins of Club Nickname
It is clear that they started to be known as the Pars in the early 1900s but the exact reason for the nickname being adopted have never been fully known. A number of historians have made attempts to find out and the most popular explanations are as follows:-
1. At one time the team were playing so badly that they were nickname the `Paralytics which was shortened to The Pars.
2. In the early pat of the 20th century when Rosyth Naval Base was opened, sailors from the south came to watch Dunfermline and unfurled a banner reading `Plymouth Argyle (Rosyth) Supporters.
3.When Dunfermline gained league status they were called the Pars because they were nor on par with other teams.
4. When the team first sported black and white stripes they were called the Pars because their colours resembled the parr, a fish.
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