Dunfermline Athletic

Joe Cardle has returned!

Friday, 17th Jul 2015

Joe speaks to the website about what he always felt would happen.

The deed has been done, Joe Cardle has returned!

"Yes, I’m just so happy it's all done and dusted and all sorted. Obviously I came back last week, trained a couple of days and played a couple of games, but as soon as I came back I knew that I wanted to play for Dunfermline again. I’m just so happy that its all signed and sealed and I am just dying to get out there and get playing with the boys."

How do you feel about your previous time with us – highs and lows – promotion and then administration?

"When I look back it is only good memories that I have. Obviously that was a horrible day, the administration. When I look back at Dunfermline it is only happy memories. It’s a place where I always enjoyed my football, obviously winning promotion and playing in the SPFL for Dunfermline was a great achievement for the whole team and myself – it is happy memories."

When you left you went on to the Rovers, how did that feel?

"It was obviously a case of only a few weeks of the season left and I had few phone calls. There were teams in Glasgow and further away, but my girlfriend was heavily pregnant at the time with Josie, so we didn’t really want to go far. Kirkcaldy is only down the road so I thought I would get a few games under my belt with them. I enjoyed my time there and they looked after me. I can’t thank them enough for that, but I’m back where I belong now and I am happy to be here."

You have had a bit of pre-season here – what have you been doing before that?

"I finished the season late May with Ross County, been on a couple of holidays but obviously stayed fit. I’ve been doing my own thing, every day I have been in the gym. It is hard going getting out of bed in morning sometimes, going straight to the gym but I stuck to it and feel really fit.

"Obviously I came in 5 or 6 days last week to get into the swing of things, get a touch of the ball and meet the players etc. Then I have done my own thing for the last 4/5 days and that is not been the same. Since I came back in, and getting the goal the other week, it's just made me want to play football again. I’m just glad I’m back in today - all signed and sealed. I am just dying to start playing games."

There are still some players here from your previous time

"Yes, the likes of Josh Falkingham, Faissal, wee Shaun Byrne, Ryan Wallace and Andy Geggan. They were here the first season obviously when it all went wrong but these boys have done well.

"Now it’s time where the boys have to step up, even the younger lads and I think they all know that themselves. Just being in the changing room the last few days, the boys know what they need to do this season and I am glad to be part of that. Hopefully we will be winning games week in and week out and get this Club back where it should be.

Obviously the fans have been desperate for you to come back, how does it feel to be that popular?

"I’ve had quite a lot of them on Twitter and Facebook and it means a lot. I’ve not had a chance to reply to anyone just yet as I didn’t really want to let anyone know in case something happened.

"I had my medical first thing this morning, and I didn’t want anything to go wrong, so as of now I can tell everyone. I’m dying to let it out. Hopefully I can let my football do the talking again and just get back to playing and winning games, scoring goals and making goals. That’s what makes me happy.

"To be fair the last six months has been a bit of a torrid time for me, because I didn’t play and was frustrated on the bench. I just want to get back to loving the game and enjoying it and I’m pretty sure that I will here.

"It just never worked out at County, it was just never meant to be. I still worked hard every day in training, kept my head down but the way it worked out I just wasn’t playing – but that’s what happens in football. It's time to move on now and this is a new chapter in my life and I am looking forward to this move back to Dunfermline. I loved my time here and can’t wait to get started."

Any qualms dropping down two divisions?

"Obviously it’s a step back to go forward, that’s the way I look at it. It is a drop in leagues but I think everyone who knows me knows how much Dunfermline means to me. It was the first team I looked at on a Saturday to see how they got on and always hoped that they would win.

"I always knew I was going to come back here, but it was just when in my career. I didn’t think it was going to be so soon but the call was made and I’ve been in touch with Dunfermline throughout the summer, it was on and off, but finally today I’m a Dunfermline player again.

"It was John Potter who first contacted as I saw him at Dingwall when there was a reserve game there and he asked if I would play for him this season, but that was obviously when he was the manager. I spoke to the new manager, Allan Johnston and had a few conversations with him over the summer.

"It’s a club that I have always spoken about with my Mum and Dad and Lucy and I always knew that I would come back at some point. It's happened today and I’m happy to be here."

Can the second time around be as successful?

"I hope so, we know what we have to do and the Club have got to get back to where they belong. I think we have a good enough character in the changing room to get us back there. We just need to start scoring goals, creating chances and making things happen.

"It is out there on a Saturday when you have to do it. I’m looking forward to having that pressure on me and getting the club back to where it should be. It seems to be a great changing room, everyone seems to be getting on.

"It is a young team and it is good to be a more experienced player that can help some of the younger boys coming through and that was me a few years ago!! I’m just dying to get back training and enjoying it again."

Views : 6,040

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