Can you assist the club on match day?
Tuesday, 16th Jun 2015The club requires more turnstile operators for match days
DAFC needs your help on match days. For the last couple of years, Penny Aitken and her willing team of volunteers from Pars Ladies has assisted our club by manning the turnstiles before a match.
Unfortunately, not all of the existing volunteers will be able to continue to assist us next season.
Therefore, we are appealing for any Pars supporters who would be interested in helping out on match days, by operating the turnstiles, to come forward.
The work operates on a rota system, and will not prevent you from seeing the game (free of charge) if you are on duty!
Ross McArthur, Managing Director, DAFC stated “Penny is trying to recruit half a dozen reliable new volunteers to be part of her team on match day. Although the season does not start for a few weeks we wanted to try and give potential volunteers as much notice as possible. I would encourage anyone who would like to assist us to contact Penny by email on”
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