Dunfermline Athletic

Lifeline's vital spark

Tuesday, 11th Nov 2014

Centenary Club continues to be a lifeline…….a year on!

With the passing of October, so did the first anniversary of Dunfermline Athletic’s Centenary Club Lifeline. One year on from the launch night that took place in The Alhambra theatre, backed by the then newly appointed board of directors, membership numbers have exceeded all initial targets that were set.

Back at the time of the launch, the first aim was to achieve 500 members paying £20 a month (or £240 once a year) which would put some vital cash funds into the football club on a regular basis, allowing it to be formally included within revenue budgets by the board of directors.

Within just a few weeks, and in the rather hectic lead up to the festive season, well over 600 members had already committed to the Lifeline by Christmas Day itself! The first of the month cash draws had already seen some Pars supporters pick up some very welcome prizes, as well as David Dawson who lifted the first “super draw” prize of £2,013 for the home game against Rangers between Christmas and New Year.

Funds raised for the football club continued to rise with each additional member, come the New Year 2014 and membership numbers rose rapidly! Over 900 members were signed up by the time a deadline was placed on applications being valid for another huge prize, that of a brand new Chevrolet Spark. The car was won by Vanessa Martinson, who gratefully received her keys during the 1-1 draw with Rangers in May. Alongside these bigger prizes, four £250 cheques were handed out each month and four £500 cheques per quarter, helping spread the prize fund throughout the growing membership.

The prize summary during year one can be broken down as follows:
• A brand new car RRP £8,500
• Super draw prize of £2,013
• Twelve prizes of £500
• Forty Eight prizes of £250
• Knockhill Vouchers: 4 for Super Bikes & 4 for Touring Cars

However, as per the key message delivered at the launch, the prime purpose of The Lifeline was to provide cash funding on a regular basis to Dunfermline Athletic. By the time 1,000 memberships had been secured, the club had already started receiving £15,000 funding directly into its bank account each month. By the time the first year had passed, a phenomenal total of £180,000 funding has now been transferred directly to the club.

Manager, Jim Jefferies, himself a founder Lifeline member commented “can I once again urge no supporter to think that the job is done and our club has been saved, because it is a long way from that. It takes a lot of money to run a Football Club in the current economic climate. If I could ask for one request, it would be for all Pars supporters to keep behind the Centenary Club Lifeline as the scheme is now so vital to the future of our club, not just on the football side but across all areas of our club.”

Any supporter who has read a match programme, Dunfermline Press, the club’s official website or twitter feed cannot have failed to notice the marked increase in coverage for The Lifeline during the past year. Having such an increased membership, and vitally important cash flow into the football club, has provided a platform for a far more relevant role than in previous years. The Lifeline committee are keen to ensure that a positive message is continually delivered amongst both existing members, as well as those who we aim to try and sign up in the coming weeks and months.

As a small “thank you” to members who have signed up, we are proposing to give away a larger amount of prizes ahead of Christmas this year. Prize draws are carried out each month at committee meetings using a random number generating spreadsheet, containing each Lifeline membership number (and Legacy members who still contribute £8.66 per month)
• Four £500 prizes
• Four £250 prizes
• Twenty £100 prizes

Jason Barber, Vice Chairman, Centenary Club lifeline stated “with 2015 rapidly approaching, we are not resting on any laurels however. The intention is to continue to recruit even more Lifeline memberships, with a target now set at 1,250.

"Both the club and the committee will be working hard in the next few months to introduce exciting membership card benefits, which we hope will appeal to both existing and new members, and provide “added value” for members over and above helping our beloved football club.

"As well as existing social events, we plan on having even more diary dates to attract more people along to East End Park outside of match days”.

One date that is ready for diaries; Saturday 2nd May 2015, when the club’s Player of the Year function will again be organised by Centenary Club Lifeline. Nearly 800 of you voted last season, which was an outstanding representation of Dunfermline Athletic’s support!

Ross McArthur commented “on behalf of the Dunfermline Athletic board of directors can I once again thank the Lifeline for their vital contribution to the club’s funds during 2014, we simply could not keep our club running without it, and is in every sense of the word a ‘lifeline’.

"As the income is included in this season’s budget, and represents such a significant regular payment, it is a condition of our SFA license that we have to account to the league authorities for each month’s payment. Therefore, every single membership has, and continues to make a difference, and we would like to thank every one of you who has contributed. However, as Jason states we now want to enhance your membership benefits even more as we move into the Lifeline’s second exciting year, and beyond”.

To all Pars fans who have contributed a huge thank you from everyone on the committee of Centenary Club Lifeline and the board of directors of DAFC.

Views : 4,080

Archived website
This website served as the official Dunfermline Athletic website from season 2006-2007 until season 2022-2023.

Stories, match reports and interviews for these seasons can still be accessed here.

The current DAFC website with up to date information is on this link https://DAFC.co.uk
DAFC Archives
Dunfermline Athletic Heritage Trust. Information on past players, fixtures, league tables and archives can be found at www.daht.org.uk
For Season 2023/2024 SPFL regulations mean that on a Saturday afternoon we have to offer a Subscription service for overseas viewers. This will either be a monthly or a yearly subscription (on a Saturday it is FOR OVERSEAS viewers only - some dates are exempt.) https://ParsTV.co.uk
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