Dunfermline Athletic

Pars Tackle Health

Photo: Ryan Williamson taking questions from the children of Touch Primary School.

The ‘Pars Tackle Health’ programme aims to promote positive attitudes towards good health and fitness in primary school children, using professional footballers as role models. It helps to consolidate the Learning Outcomes covered in Health & Wellbeing, throughout their Primary School education.

Two DAFC players and a coach from the Pars Foundation visit each participating primary school, accompanied by former schoolteacher, Gennaro Giudice, who coordinates the workshops and introduces the players.

Lesson Outline:

1. Players describe a typical day in the life of a professional footballer, stressing the importance of a healthy diet, of drinking lots of water and of getting plenty of rest and sleep, as well as the benefits of regular physical exercise on health and wellbeing. A DVD may be used to show the players going through their daily training routines. The players also describe their match day preparations.

2. Q&A session, in which pupils are given the opportunity to ask the players questions relating to football and/or health and fitness.

3. Players and coach then take the class for a practical session, either in a games hall or outdoors. Players may demonstrate skills, which pupils can copy and practise, finishing with a small-sided game of football.

4. Pupils and players return to the classroom for a photo opportunity and autograph signings. Participating pupils will each receive a complimentary ticket for a forthcoming home match.

5. Evaluation forms, to be completed and returned to DAFC, are issued to the class and their teacher.

6. Resources for follow up work are sent to the class teacher, immediately after the visit.

Learning Outcomes
» Diet – healthy eating is important as it produces positive benefits throughout life.
» Physical Fitness – regular exercise is beneficial to all aspects of health and wellbeing.
» Teamwork – learning to work constructively with others is an important life skill.
» Motivation – the development of desire and focus is the key to success in any arena.

Season in Numbers (2016/17)

26 different Pars players visited

26 local primary schools in

44 different classes and a total of

1141 pupils learned about lifestyle choices which impact on their Health & Wellbeing.

Kelty Primary School

The introduction and video clip really captured the pupils’ attention and they were fully engaged throughout the visit. The practical session was good fun and very well delivered. Team staff members were friendly towards the pupils and approachable. The players being honest and direct in their answers helped a very open Q&A session. The suggested questions for the pupils to ask players were very helpful. We discussed these before the visit.

Photo: Sean Murdoch showing that goalkeepers have good dribbling skills.

Kelty Primary School
``I wish we’d had about an hour longer because the time went so fast! It was lots of good fun though. and thank you for the ticket to the next game. I think I will be there to support the team onwards.``

``I enjoyed the visit and it was great fun to play lots of games. Thank you for coming in ant teaching us about football and being healthy.``

``Even though I’m not personally into football, I loved to hear about what players go through every day and it’s actually quite interesting and cool.``

``Thank you for coming to visit my class and giving us some very useful tips and pointers about how to stay active and healthy. I enjoyed it very much.``

``You gave us lots of useful information about health. It was well presented and I think all of us will use these skills. You should keep doing this to help other pupils in other schools.``

Photo: Joe Cardle and Gregor Tennant from Pars Foundation at Lynburn Primary School

Touch Primary School

Our pupils loved hearing about the players training sessions and match day routines. They got a real picture of a footballer’s life and the dedication required to achieve your goals. Responses to pupils’ questions were detailed and linked to determination, motivation and the importance of health, nutrition and exercise. The skills session was absolutely brilliant, the DVD of the players in training was excellent and the follow up activities are much appreciated.

Photo: Connor Duthie and Cammy Gill at Duloch Primary School.

Lynburn Primary School
The visit was very well prepared and we knew what to expect, thanks to the information received in advance. Our pupils enjoyed the Q&A session and listening to the players talking about their daily routine. Their answers relating to health were very helpful, especially with regard to energy drinks. We’ve had only a few issues since. All pupils were engaged, took part in the practical session and enjoyed it, including some who rarely participate in PE. The coach established a good rapport with the children and they responded well to his commanding voice.

The children were delighted with their complimentary match tickets and were all talking excitedly about the game on the following Monday – a great opportunity which most of them had never experienced.

Photo: Jason Talbot and Gregor Tennant from Pars Foundation organising the practical session at Townhill Primary.

More Teachers Comments
The children really enjoyed the Pars visit and learned a great deal about fitness and healthy living. Enclosed are some thank you letters to show their appreciation. Many thanks.
Blairhall PS.

The player talk was very good and the children were fully engaged. The children’s questions were well answered at an appropriate level. The children loved the games session and were excited with the autographs and photo opportunity.
St John’s PS

The player talk was very well pitched and the whole class was totally engaged. Responses to questions from pupils were detailed and appropriate. The outdoor session went well but some pupils were more involved than others.
St Margaret’s PS

The player talk was interesting and engaging. There was good interaction from pupils with staff and players. The children were really interested in the players’ answers to their questions which were very relevant to all aspects of health and wellbeing. The children really enjoyed the practical session but would have liked more time for it.
Kelty PS.

More Pupil Comments
I really enjoyed hearing about the life of a pro footballer and what food they eat to stay healthy.

I loved hearing that the Pars are helping us kids to stay healthy and inspiring us to be fit and active by playing games and sport.

I like how two famous players came in to our school and we got to ask them questions. It would have been even better if they could have come for the whole day and not just after lunch.

I really enjoyed playing football with two professional players and I was quite surprised at how much rest and sleep they need.

I enjoyed hearing about their match preparation, what they eat, training and warm ups. I was surprised at how focussed and how they stay positive after a bad injury. I’m going to start working harder, not give up and do stretches before and after exercise.

The player talk was very good and really well explained. I was surprised to learn Sean drinks a gallon of water every day.

It was great to meet real footballers and hear about their daily training routines. I’m going to start eating more healthy foods and only have a little treat sometimes.

I don’t really like football but the talk was very interesting. The players train for many hours and have a very strict lifestyle. We got lots of good tips about how to stay fit and healthy.

Thank you for coming to our school. I thought it was going to be rubbish but it was really fun. I really enjoyed the football match with the players. I did not know how important it is to stay healthy..

Thank you for giving up your time to come to our school and teaching us how to stay healthy. It was interesting to learn what footballers eat to stay healthy and the training they do to keep fit.

I had lots of fun and enjoyed learning about how footballers live and what they eat. The video clip was really good and playing football and dodgeball was great fun. I wish we’d had an hour longer because the time went so fast! Thank you for my ticket to the next game. I think I’ll be there to support the Pars onwards.

Even though I’m not into goalkeeping, I loved to hear what a goalie goes through every day and it’s actually quite interesting. I loved the walk through Sean told our class about – it was really cool.

The lesson was well presented and you gave us lots of useful information about health. I think we will all use the skills we learned today. Just keep doing what you’re doing to help pupils in other schools as well.

Photo: Joe Cardle and Stuart Morrison at Dalgety Bay Primary School

Views : 12,738

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Stories, match reports and interviews for these seasons can still be accessed here.

The current DAFC website with up to date information is on this link https://DAFC.co.uk
DAFC Archives
Dunfermline Athletic Heritage Trust. Information on past players, fixtures, league tables and archives can be found at www.daht.org.uk
For Season 2023/2024 SPFL regulations mean that on a Saturday afternoon we have to offer a Subscription service for overseas viewers. This will either be a monthly or a yearly subscription (on a Saturday it is FOR OVERSEAS viewers only - some dates are exempt.) https://ParsTV.co.uk
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