Literacy - “Pars Stars”
‘Our ’Pars Stars in the Media’ project aims to develop a range of literacy skills using football as a stimulus.
Ex-Primary School Depute Head Teacher, Wullie Oliphant, and a coach from the Pars Foundation Team will arrive in your classroom at 10am and begin by looking at newspaper reports of Pars games. An initial report is analysed by pupils and agreement reached that it needs to be up-levelled. This is then studied in greater detail as the pupils note the WOW! words that have been added.
Pupils are also asked to suggest alternative examples for some of the words found. Formative assessment strategies are used throughout. Pupils’ knowledge of V.C.O.P. writing methodology is an advantage during this part of our day, but not essential.
We then touch upon the use of ‘Alliterative ‘ headlines by newspapers. The value of this eye-catching strategy is examined and pupils make up their own examples. Next, the class look at interview skills and the need to pose ‘open’ questions which give the interviewee the opportunity to provide detailed answers. Pupils are encouraged to conduct mock interviews with each other.
"Our school was involved in the Pars Media Stars. The whole day was very engaging for the pupils and they were able to take their learning into other areas of the curriculum. All children thoroughly enjoyed their day"
Kelty Primary School
Finally, the class head outside to play small sided matches which the class teacher should film for use with the follow up activities.
We round off our day at approximately 2:30pm. At this point Wullie stresses that whilst the skills practised in the course of the day have been in the context of football, they now need to be transferred into the class’s day-to-day work. Schools are provided with detailed CfE plans and an outline of the day’s format. Pupils and staff are asked to complete evaluation sheets, which enable us to assess the impact of our work.
Former school teacher, Wullie Oliphant and/or The Pars Foundation staff will visit the primary school to present the workshop. It may be possible that a player will also attend nearer the end of the session to provide a short skills session.
Time - 4 hours
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"This was excellent, start to finish! Particularly engaging for some pupils who at times can be disengaged from learning. The delivery was fitted to the Curriculum for Excellence"
Camdean Primary School
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