Dunfermline Athletic

Twins Ben and Finlay Challenge Cup

Tuesday, 7th Oct 2014

East End Park recently played host to a charity match in aid of twins Ben and Finlay

Everyone at DAFC was delighted to recently assist two remarkable little boys, identical twins Ben and Finlay Stevens. In November 2010 they were both diagnosed with severe autism, learning disability, hypermobility and hypotonia.

Since then, Ben and Finlay’s parents have worked tirelessly to raise awareness of their condition and fund raise. Please take the time to visit their blog:


Their Dad, Michael stated “we were determined to do all we could as parents to give our little boys the best opportunity of living the most fulfilling lives possible and reaching their true potential. Every child has potential but sometimes you just have to work a little harder to develop and exploit it. Self pity was never going to help the boys.

We will never deny that life is difficult and challenging with lots of heartache and tears along the way but there have also been so many remarkable moments of courage and determination by the boys in overcoming the daily difficulties of life. Their fantastic progress has made every ounce of effort worthwhile and we are so, so proud of them”.

Although he cannot now get to matches at East End Park, because of the boys’ care requirements, Michael, has been a Pars fan for many years. He and his wife Fiona are also serving police officers and have arranged the “Ben and Finlay Challenge Cup” on an annual basis, which is a challenge match between Police Scotland and their fire service colleagues.

DAFC were delighted to host the match on 7 September at East End Park. Ross McArthur, Director stated “when Michael approached me, I was delighted to assist with the day as it important that, as a community club, we reach out and help others. Michael used to sit a couple of rows along from me in the North West Stand with his brothers, and at times we all take our family for granted. Michael and his wife, Fiona face challenges day to day, but the positive manner in which they face them is to be applauded. If our club could help in a small way to raise awareness of the boys’ condition and facilitate an enjoyable day for everyone, then we were more than happy to do so”

As it turned out, “The Polis” retained the cup, after a dramatic penalty shootout. The official match report from Ben and Finlay’s blog was as follows:

The players were delighted to be taking to the hallowed turf once graced by Alex Ferguson, Jock Stein and Mikey Leonard!

Planning should be a Police strength but there was genuine concern at the outset at the fact that we only had one football to last the afternoon! Blootered clearances were therefore not permitted.

When we got underway under glorious sunshine on a perfect Subbuteo-like surface before a decent crowd, the Police side settled faster and took an early lead after 13 minutes courtesy of Mark Logue who confidently stroked home a through ball from ex-Oakley manager Stevie Kay. Ross Bennet playing a striking cameo role for the first 15 minutes was delighted to leave the field with his side in the ascendance.

The fire team were clearly fitter and better organised but found it difficult to force a way through the tight Polis lines with the rearguard of Andy Tod, Brian ‘Bambi’ Kenny, Shug Pearce, Davy McQuade, Stuart Hay and keeper Carley Marshall particularly effective in snuffing out their threat 

Clear cut chances were few and far between and a midfield tussle ensued, which threatened to boil over on occasions as Kenny Bow sought to quite literally stamp his authority on proceedings! Stevie Kay also worked hard in the engine room despite a heavy sesh at his engagement party the previous evening! 

Up front, Mark Logue and Kirk Donnelly struggled to make an impression as the ball simply wouldn’t stick. Logie did have a ‘goal’ chalked off for an alleged tug on the defender but a video replay showed that it was an unprovoked slip by the defender without any contact and the goal should in fact have stood. 

Daddy elected to stay on the bench this year and oversee proceedings as manager as well as choreograph the largest squad ever assembled to ensure everyone got a decent run out. 

Marc Hunter, guesting for the Police as one of the boys’ former tutors, almost doubled the advantage early in the second half but his effort struck the bar. The fire boys were slowly cranking up the pressure and a series of substitutions by the Police side appeared to destabilise rather than strengthen the defence. 

Stuart Davidson made a brief appearance, was booked following his first tackle and asked to leave the field to cool down. Davie Hayes thought he was still running a marathon and endeavoured to cover every blade of grass. Eddie McKnight tried manfully to make inroads down the right and unlock the firies defence but he simply could not find a way through. Further subs Andy Millar and Ross Menzies worked hard to supplement tired legs elsewhere but the strong sunshine, big pitch and overly watered surface were taking their toll. Les Page played his usual 'libero' role until injury put paid to his afternoon.

Wave after wave of fire service attacks were thwarted by Son of God and Bambi, all manner of goalmouth scrambles and stramashes came to nothing. Inevitably, however, in the 80th minute, Toddy stretched to block a clearance and in so doing raised his arms for balance. The incoming shot struck his outstretched arm and referee Chris Shay had no option but to point to the spot.

Andy Paul kept his composure and poked the spot kick into the corner to equalise and further crank up the pressure on the Police side’s weary limbs. Bear in mind that we don’t get down-time at work and are certainly not allowed to use the gym whilst on duty like our firie counterparts, ha, ha!

Some magnificent defending saw the Police side hold out for the last 10 minutes to the final whistle, which was greeted with relief by the weary players. We then had an awkward moment while the players milled around uncertain if proceedings were over given a draw had not been countenanced at the outset.

A swift agreement was reached that defribulators may be necessary if we played extra time so we went straight to the drama of a penalty shoot out in front of the Norrie McCathie stand.

The fire service went first and scored through Russell Smart and Andy Paul, whilst Mark Logue and Andy Tod brought the Police level at 2-2. Fire service player manager Mark Napier then stepped up and was anguished to see his effort smothered by burley Carley Marshall. Bambi Kenny then slotted home the Police’s third kick to nudge them ahead. Further fire service pens were scored by Mike Rogers and Lee Grix with Kenny Bow responding for the Police. It then came down to the fifth kick by Winks Watson, who has played for the Dons in a European Final so he can handle pressure. He calmly strode forward and ‘fired’ his shot wide of the keeper into the net to start jubilant celebrations by the Police victors.

Daddy duly presented the newly polished (courtesy of Granny) trophy to Police captain Brian Kenny, whilst Stevie Kay realised he had forgotten to bring the bubbly Cava left over from his party intended to fill the cup!

As the crowd departed the players descended on Legends bar to regale tales of their exploits on the field. Everyone enjoyed the soup, stoves and sausage rolls provided by the Pars. A super Sunday was had by all and there wasn’t a Sky camera in sight!

The players each paid a charity fee to take part and we had a whip round in the stand. Add to this the bulging envelope so kindly donated by Brian Kenny’s workmates at Dounreay (thanks again Brian) and we raised an excellent total of £855! Not bad for an afternoon game of footy. Jim Graham deserves great credit for coordinating the fundraising effort, the match and trophy were his idea. 

Final word to Michael: “thanks are due to Dunfermline Athletic Football Club, in particular Director, Ross McArthur, for allowing us to hold the match at East End Park. Thanks also to all the backroom staff including the groundsmen, cleaners and the catering and bar staff at Legends for making sure everything ran so smoothly. Thanks to Chris Shay, the referee for keeping a tight grip of things although FIFA have asked for a report covering Davie Hayes refusal to leave the field when he was given his marching orders by Chris. Thanks to all the players for their marvellous efforts in contributing to such an entertaining and closely fought match and thank you to everyone who watched and encouraged from the stands. We will struggle to better that next year but we will try our best”.

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