Dunfermline Athletic

Manager post Peterhead

Saturday, 27th Sep 2014

Peter loses the head as indiscipline costs Jim McInally's team

- - Listen to this Jim Jefferies interview

Jim Jefferies felt that indiscipline led to Peterhead's downfall and after resuming for the second half against only eight opponents there was likely ever to be only one outcome:-

"I said to the players that it was just a matter of making sure that we knocked the ball about. It was weird but there is no doubt about it, they lost the plot. There were things that we heard said that caused other incidents to happen and they paid the penalty for that because there was no need for that.

"Josh rushed to keep the ball in and the boy had only one intention. It was nothing to do with us, we did not send the players off, it was the referee that sent them off. They got punished for their indiscipline, it is as simple as that.

"That left them so short handed that the second half just became a farce. The goal was always going to come and we had enough of the ball in the first half when they had ten men.

"They sat even deeper after that and withdrew a man from upfront and put him in the middle of the park. We had all the ball but we just couldn't get on the end of things. We were doing alright without that final pass. There were a couple of balls that came onto the six yard box that really we should have put in the net.

"We knew at half time that we could put Andy Stirling on and just go two at the back. We pushed the full backs on and another man upfront so that they would be put under enormous pressure from us. It was that, it was just like a training session where you had defence against attack.

"You cannot afford to get men sent off at any level and expect to come out on top. I am glad the boys just kept their discipline and didn't get involved. I still think later on that there were one or two tasty challenges.

"They felt hard done by but it was really hitting the self destruct button from them. Dunfermline didn't do anything; it was a bad tackle that the referee has deemed to red card. If you continue that when you are down to ten men with assaults on Josh all day, I don't know whether there was something brewing but I am really pleased that Josh did not get involved.

"We warned then at half time not to get involved because they would probably continue to give it out. We kept the ball down and kept passing it around. It was all about can we score and we did three times. We take that and we move on.

"Peterhead will feel the repercussions missing three of their players next week ( v Ayr United). I am glad that we kept our discipline, kept doing the right things, kept moving the ball from side to side quickly, trying to get round about them so that they would have problems.

"We really should have scored a lot earlier than we did. We had a couple of good cut backs from Ryan Williamson that should have found the net. Once we scored it was just a case of - How many is it going to be?

"For me the highlight was wee James coming on. He has just turned 17 and we thought this was his time. Just go on kid, they are not going to score. They had big defenders and it was always in our plans to bring him on. Someone like that - young and wiry and a wee bit elusive about the box. That is exactly how he scored."

"Shaun Byrne found him with a great ball and he turned and finished it well. He has been doing well in training and that is why he was picked for the bench today ahead of a few others.

"You could see the elation when he scored; that laddie is going to be a good player, he has it in him. It was just a dream for him but that laddie is going to be a good player. He only turned 17 in April and it was the highlight of the second half for me with him getting the goal."

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