Dunfermline Athletic

Open Letter from Jim Jefferies

Thursday, 7th Nov 2013

JJ urges fans to Keep the Pars and the faith in his young team


Jim Jefferies urges fans to Keep the Pars and the faith in his young team

"I am delighted to have another opportunity to properly communicate with the Pars supporters, following the traumatic events of the last 10 months.  I decided this would be a good time to speak directly to the fans, since my last open letter in June 2012.

"I don't want to dwell on the past, as we all must now look forward but I have to commend the attitude of the players over the last few months. During that period, it might have been easy for a Team Manager to walk away from the Club, and many people have told me this, but I had to be loyal to the players that I had identified and brought in. We were all in this together and I felt it was only right that I led from the front and help guide the players and staff. The adversity of recent months will hold these young lads in good stead and help develop their character for future life.

"The response of the supporters to what we are trying to achieve has been fantastic and ultimately a massive influence on my decision to stay at the Club.It is really humbling to be continually stopped in the street and thanked for playing my part. In addition, the cash that has been raised to save and then buy the Club by the supporters has been unbelievable.


"I have to also credit the people behind the scenes who have battled through numerous barriers over recent months to save our Club, and have shown great leadership in doing so. It is only right that I remain loyal to them too, as a number of them have already lost significant amounts of money, but continue to contribute more, as well as a considerable amount of their spare time to keep this special Club alive without looking for any plaudits.

"However, I urge no supporter to think that the job is done and our Club has been saved, because it is a long way from that. It takes a lot of money to run a Football Club in the current economic climate and fans need to be aware that we are entering the most crucial phase of developing and funding a sustainable future for the Club, which is Keep the Pars.


"I have already joined the new Centenary Club Lifeline, having joined the Centenary Club when I first arrived at the Club.  It would be so reassuring if we could reach the target of 1,000 members, paying £20 per month, as that would provide a regular income of £200,000 each year for the Club. That in itself, would help sustain our great Club, which is now owned by the supporters, and provide an affordable mechanism for a wider range of supporters to contribute. If I could ask for one request, it would be for all Pars supporters to get behind the Centenary Club Lifeline as the scheme is now so vital to the future of our Club.

"I firmly believe we are all on the cusp of creating something really special at East End Park. The whole place seems to have been lifted in recent weeks, and there is a real sense of togetherness between the supporters, players, management team and directors. It has been well documented that I had been looking for one last challenge, and it has certainly proved to be one heck of a challenge!

"However, that will make the success that we crave, all the more sweet when it does arrive. I said before in my last open letter that this Club was exactly the type of opportunity I was looking for, as I always felt it was a traditional Football Club, with a real sense of community and a proud history, backed by good people and supporters.

"To me, the events of recent months have simply proved how right I had been with my initial thoughts. I reiterate that DAFC can be a force to be reckoned with, there is no doubt about that, and I would obtain real satisfaction personally if I was able to restore some pride by continuing to build an attractive football team to watch at East End Park. We certainly hope to continue to achieve the results on the pitch to further galvanise the fans off it - as our new Club logo states "Together we are DAFC".

"Clearly money is no longer a driving force for me, and although I cannot say that "this is the only Club I ever wanted to manage", I have really enjoyed this job, probably more than any other role I have occupied. I genuinely feel reinvigorated, as it is such a pleasure to see young kids enjoying themselves and willing to learn, so receptive to what we are all trying to achieve.


"Yes it can be frustrating, as fielding young players leads to inconsistencies, but the Pars supporters should be proud of themselves as I previously asked them to be patient and "buy-in" to the bigger picture we are trying to create at the Club, and they have done exactly that.I am also enthused by the young management team I have around me, in the shape of Neil McCann, John Potter and Craig Dargo, who are also loyal and keen to learn.These guys have all shown that they share the same passion and commitment to our cause.

"I will not be making rash promises about finishing here or there in the league this season, as our opponents pick up on these things, but getting back to the Championship, particularly for next season has to be our immediate aim. It is widely understood that I will continue to have a tight budget, but we have unearthed some real talent at East End Park over the last couple of years. So much so, that a number of the younger lads in the Under 20's and below, are already pushing the players above them for a start, which can only be good for the future of our Club.

"I have to applaud Stephen Wright and his team of coaches who have identified and nurtured some real prospects. Reaching the Youth Cup Final at Hampden last season was perhaps the first time the supporters stood up and took notice, but this had been due to many years of hard work and investment.  As there is a demonstrable "pathway" to the first team at East End Park, this will encourage more promising youngsters and their parents to choose DAFC instead of other Clubs. Over the summer, a number of Clubs recognising the predicament of our Club, tried to make offers for a number of our youth players down the age groups, as they too recognise the talent that now exists there. This is another reason why we simply must continue to Keep the Pars, to ensure the very future of our Club is protected.


"I totally agree with the new board's philosophy in terms of building a "Community Club", whereby the players need to be visible and take more responsibility by getting involved with the fans during match days and during the week, when required. I said before and will repeat again, no one likes it if you get beat, far less my players I hope, and if you have to meet up with the fans following a defeat, that's life, it is what builds strong characters.

"I myself will continue to be honest and very candid in my assessments of games, as I believe supporters deserve straight talking and I don't see any reason to change that now! Thanks for your fantastic support of our Club and the backing you have given to the young men who represent DAFC every week. We all look forward to your continuing support on the field, home and away this season, as well as off the field with initiatives such as the Centenary Club Lifeline".

Jim Jefferies


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