Dunfermline Athletic

Thanks to Davie Hunter

Saturday, 7th Sep 2013

Recently retired from helping DAFC Youths, Davie has been shown appreciation for his 20 years at Dunfermline Athletic

Davie with players from left to right: Jake Wood, Keir Macaulay, Joseph Mitchell, Luke Smith, Gregor Jordan, Ryan Williamson, Fraser Canning, Davy, Mackenzie Kelly, Craig Henderson, Gavin Paterson, Stephen Wright.

Davie Hunter felt very emotional as he was shown appreciation for his 20 years at Dunfermline Athletic. At the home match against Stranraer on Saturday 31st August he was presented with a signed strip by representatives of all the age groups at the Club from U11s to U20s. The stalwart of the Pars youth system was especially pleased to see the likes of Kier MacAulay holding up the strip. Davie hopes that these young boys at the start of their career gets as much enjoyment out of youth football as he has had.

"I have made many friends all over the country that I still keep in contact with. I am in the situation where if I ever wanted to go any place I could just make a phone call and I would be more than welcome at any ground in Scotland."


Recently retired from helping DAFC Youths and U20's his involvement at the Club began in the early 90's, helping then Youth coach Davie McParland. He ran after school centres in Dalgety Bay, Inverkeithing and Cowdenbeath.

He then helped Mo Hutton with the U14's and U16's. As the programme grew he helped various age groups and did some holiday coaching and fundraising.

Late 1990's he got more involved with the U19's and organised kit, match details and more fundraising initiatives. He assisted John Ritchie then Craig Robertson and then worked closely with Hamish French for many years.

Latterly he helped Stephen Wright with the youths and John Potter with the U20's.


There have been many highlights along the route but Davie rated the SFA Youth Cup Final last season as a real high point but felt that possibly even better was seeing boys go through the youth system to play in the first team.

"To know that you helped them somewhere along the line to reach that level. I didn't want the Club to go into administration but I am selfish when it comes to the youths and instead of the normal two or three laddies being given a contract and nine going, this year we had nine contracts and just three left. Out of the Club going into administration that is a good thing that has come out of it for me.

Centenary Club Evening Feb 2009

"There are so many young boys on the park now and to see the effort that they are putting in is just unbelievable. We were fortunate that one or two of the players signed by Jim Jefferies were young enough to play in the under 20s. Alex Whittle is a revelation now at left back and I still have high hopes for Shaun Byrne, Ross Millen and Allan Smith; they are great boys."

Davie goes back a long way to the days of Colin Nish and claims that the first two that he saw through to first team football were John Fraser and Chris Templeman.

"I was one of the coaches along with Angus McDiarmid and Chris Candlish when we had the team that contained Colin Nish, Stephen Boyle and Chris McGroaty."

Davie Hunter, Michael Mordaunt and Jim Leishman

Many players have come through the ranks during his time at the club, recently - Nick Phinn, Ryan Thomson, Shaun Byrne, Ross Drummond, Allan Smith to name a few, whilst a lot of others are spread throughout Scottish football at Amateur, Junior, Senior levels - Sean Murdoch, Steven Ferguson, Chris Templeman, Craig McKeown, Iain Campbell, Pat Clarke, Greig McDonald, Jamie Bishop, Iain Williamson, David Muir.

Stephen Wright said:-

"Davie has been a massive help to myself over the last number of years whilst I have been in the job at Dunfermline. His knowledge and memory of the Scottish game at youth, amateur, junior and senior levels is quite incredible. You could ask him any question on football and he will know the answer. He has a great enthusiasm for our youth games and I'm hoping he will still be coming along to the odd game and passing on his wisdom to the young players. Everyone involved at the Youth Department would like to wish Davie a long and happy retirement."

Davie Hunter and Stephen Wright

Davie recalled the great trip funded through the EU Leonardo Di Vinci programme, when he and Head of Youth Development, John Ritchie took a party of 16 players to Corfu.

"The trip to Cyprus in January this year will greatly benefit the likes of Shaun Byrne and Ross Millen."

The mention of Cyprus brought more fond memories flooding back and Davie explained that while they were away enjoying the warm weather training, he was in hospital for surgery. He was deeply moved by the phone calls he received from Cyprus enquiring of his progress.

There is the odd player who has slipped through the net and left East End Park without achieving their full potential.

"John Higgins from Oakley was a terrific wee guy that Jimmy Calderwood gave a contract to on the Tuesday but withdrew it on the Friday. Him and a boy called Philip Mortimer who was a left back. Because Jimmy Calderwood went and signed the French boy, David Grondin they got their contracts withdrawn.

"At the end of the day it possibly did John a big favour. He went to America and made his life there now in football. "

Davie Hunter and Jim McIntyre

First competitive football involvement came for Davie Hunter with Rosyth Dockyard Apprentices in the Juvenile League. There was a brief break from them when he joined Lochore Welfare. The second time he left the Apprentices it was to Junior football again at St Andrews.

His debut in senior football was with Brechin City and from there he was transferred to Morton where one Alan McGraw kept Davie out of the first team. Davie joked "they had a good reserve team then!" From there there was a brief spell at Stirling Albion until he hung up his boots.

Hamish French, Davie Hunter and Ian Darroch

His sons cub football team was Davie's first coaching experience but when Davie McParland took over the Dunfermline Youth Development he asked Davie to assist Hamish French on a Wednesday at Queen Anne High School. That expanded to other days at Dalgety Bay and Cowdenbeath Leisure Centre.

It was during this time that Davie struck up great working relationships with Chris Candlish, Gordon Arthur, Stevie Paterson. He acknowledged the great assistance he received in looking after teams from Billy Bennett, Kenny Black, John Young and Ian Darroch.

"I just love the game and love the involvement with the boys. It has been a great experience and wish Potts and Dargs all the best. They have done a great job since taking over from Hamish."

Davie Hunter and John Potter

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