Dunfermline Athletic

Stark message from Leish

Saturday, 9th Mar 2013

Excelsior press interview - "If we do not get finances in, it is liquidation


Jim Leishman spoke to radio, press and fans ahead of the match at Airdrie on Saturday and gave an update on the Steering Group's discussions with Gavin Masterton and John Yorkston:-

"There was a proposal put on the table yesterday. There have been questions asked of the supporters group by Mr Masterton, so it is back to them and I'm sure that they will get back to Mr Masterton. By Monday night we will know and hopefully we can present to Dunfermline Athletic supporters where exactly we are at. That will have been fully a week that we have been trying to find out where we are at and where we are going. Time is not in our hands now.

"There is a proposal that has been put together by the joint Dunfermline supporters group as a way of going forward. On Monday all the Dunfermline supporters who haven't seen this or heard about this will find out about it. I do not want to go into this too much because I do not have all the details. What has been happening in the past is that people have been getting drip fed about this and that, and not getting the full story.


"We are trying to get to a position with the Steering Group where we can say on Monday where we can say this is exactly where we are. I cannot afford at this moment in time to give three quarters of a story. We are getting to a position that we can present to the fans on Monday.

"I need a way forward by Monday - I need people to say right we are all in this together, let's get funds raised and see how it is going to help out."

Referring to a writ that he had revealed on Radio Scotland had been served on the Club by HMRC on Friday, Leishman said:-

"I will have to speak to the directors about HMRC but if everyone cannot get together, if the people who are in charge of the situation don't get together we have a problem.

"I am only acting to try and get a solution to this. If we do not get finances in, it is liquidation. I have not got time, I wish I had another four weeks, I have only had a week with the Steering Group. We have now got to get people talking to each other.


"The real positive for me is that we have people in dialogue now who were not speaking. I read in the paper today that there might be someone else coming in as an investor - if that is the case, well great. My remit with the Steering Group is the survival of the football club. I can honestly say that these people have been brilliant.

"The staff at Dunfermline Football Club have been fantastic, the players have been great and these people know now every day what's going on because I am telling them where we are at. Sometimes I have to report no progress but I am trying to get other solutions to that.

"The first day I had to deal with all the negativity that was going about. I had to get rid of that and get the trust of people. I have never been on one side or another side. The fans will say that I have been straight down the middle. All I want is Dunfermline Athletic to survive.

"I need to solve the short term problem but I am not going to solve that if the long term solution means that we are going to have the same thing again in three or four weeks. We have to solve the short term to get to the long term. By Monday or Tuesday next week I need everyone together. If we can get that I am sure we will find a long term solution."


Just how critical is the writ from HMRC going to be?

"Up until now HMRC have been great but I have not been dealing with that. I am just hearing that. My mandate is not to deal with HMRC. Gavin Masterton will be resigning from the board of directors along with his daughters Karen Masterton and Tracey Martin. There is a transition period and I have to let them get on with that (HMRC). I need to say this is where I am trying to get to so that the other problems get solved.

"If HMRC have given us a winding up order - I don't know for how many days have, maybe ten - I will find that out today. I didn't even know that Stephen Pressley was the new manager of Coventry City!  I have not had time to sit down and read papers.

"This is affecting everybody at Dunfermline Athletic Football Club. My best friend's laddy, a grown man was in tears last night. We have no time for sentiment though, we are where we are and let's get out of it. I hope we do. That is the aim and the objective.

"My main objective is to be able to pay everyone who is due money. People have been great and very understanding - I am talking about creditors, football staff, admin staff - they have been magnificent but they are starting to get restless."


Asked whether it was being seen as a condition that Gavin Masterton cut all ties with the Club before some investors would come in, Leish replied:-

"I think Gavin Masterton is wanting an exit route, it is how we get to that with it suitable for all parties. The guy has put a lot of money into the football club, he has invested and tried but he is at the situation now where people are not putting any more money in. We have to get through that situation to say right, this is where the Club is at, this is where the Club is going and we have a future going forward.

"I have not got much time, it might be no more than ten days. Negotiations this weekend through to Tuesday are crucial, forget what is in the past."

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