Dunfermline Athletic

Manager Jim Jefferies

Wednesday, 21st Mar 2012

21/03/12: JJ - "Dunfermline in everybody's eyes are favourites to go down, we have to try and prove that wrong.

John Yorkston welcomes Jim Jefferies to Dunfermline

New Dunfermline Manager, Jim Jefferies was introduced to the assembled media at Pitreavie on Wednesday lunchtime. Chairman John Yorkston made the formal introduction saying:-

"The Board of Dunfermline Athletic are delighted to welcome Jim Jefferies as the new Manager. Jim has got a great track record developing players, bringing on players and hopefully selling on some. We are delighted to have him, we tried to get him before. Jim has signed on a rolling contract, minimum of fifteen months which basically means that he is here for the remaining eight games, the following season and a rolling contract thereafter."

Jim Jefferies first words as the new Manager:-

"Having been out of it for a decent break, I was pleased when I got the opportunity to talk to the Chairman. Initially it was to be short term but when I had discussions about that, what followed was a longer term deal that I decided to think about for a few days. I was delighted to give the answer that meant I'd take up the challenge."

John Yorkston clarified the Club were initially talking to Jim about the eight weeks but once they got talking to him things were developed. Jim Jefferies was keen to come Dunfermline, and Dunfermline were keen to have him.

The new Manager said that he was fully aware that survival is dependant on the clubs above Dunfermline not stretching their advantage:-

"I wouldn't have taken the job if I didn't think there was a chance. We have to start preparing for next season, hopefully in the Premier League. A lot of work has to go in a lot earlier than just waiting to see where you are.

"Things can change very quickly; there are enough games there, enough points and we have to try and get our first win on Saturday. It becomes a major game, then we will see what happens, what position we are in and we will just take it from there. It will give us a big boost of confidence if we can get a big result on Saturday."

Jim Jefferies arrives at Dunfermline

The Manager met the players on Wednesday morning when they did some light training. Jim told them that one thing that was a problem for them was their injury list.

"All teams get injuries and it is a bit of bad luck. There are a lot of hard luck stories that have to stop. They have been in positions where they should have won games, they could have been occasions where they could have picked up a point. When you look back at the clips there will be proof of that. I told them this morning that maybe the mistakes that they were making in the First Division, because a lot of these players have come up from the First Division, but you don't get punished as much there as you do in the Premier League.

"You have to be more focussed, concentrate hard and most importantly make sure that they can save themselves a lot of their hard work by being more focussed. Saturday will be a tough game because we are playing a decent side but if we can get that win it would give the whole Club a boost, supporters as well. We need them to really get behind the team on Saturday; we can't accuse them of lack of effort but maybe a little bit more organisation and tweaking things here and there to be more difficult to beat and making more chances to score goals."

The Manager accepts that if there is to be a quick fix, he will have to do it with the same group of players. He claimed that he had never heard anyone say that they weren't decent to watch but recognised that they are struggling because of making mistakes and getting punished for it.

"Everybody is saying that it is Hibs and Dunfermline but right now if you could put a couple of wins back to back, and the teams above Hibs start to falter and lose games, they could feel the pressures. Football changes very quickly.

"At my stage in my career I am not doing this for myself. It might seem as though it doesn't matter to him, so why would I want to sign for another year? You have to plan for two scenarios here. The main one is to try and keep them up but also I wanted to be in a position if we did that we would try and work hard starting now to make sure that we didn't get into this position next year. If we go down then we could build a side to come back up. You have to work on both these scenarios."

Jim felt that his break away from football had been long enough and he was up for a challenge.

"It would be fantastic to keep Dunfermline up. If you are successful you would get a lot of satisfaction out of doing that. Dunfermline in everybody's eyes are favourites to go down, we have to try and prove that wrong."

The Manager discussed the goalkeeping situation admitting that if anything was to happen to Chris Smith that his only cover was 18 year old Ryan Goodfellow. He revealed that he was using his contacts to source a keeper or a young coach who might not be contracted.

The new Manager has retained Gerry McCabe in the role of Assistant Manager and the two of them were heading west to watch Saturday's opponents St Mirren play Hearts in the Scottish Cup Quarter Final Replay.

Jim Jefferies had sympathy for the Pars departed manager Jim McIntyre:-

"I have met Jim a few times going to games. You couldn't ask for a nicer guy. He is a young manager who went straight from playing and did a fantastic job to get Dunfermline up and deserves much credit for that but it is like everything else, he has found out in the Premier League just how hard it can be for a young manager. He has not had any luck with all the injuries he has had. We are in a results driven business as always mentioned; he is a bright lad and he would know the longer it went on wasn't good.

"What surprised even me was the timing. It was difficult for the Board, it was something that they might have done in January but they backed him hoping that it would change. It came to a stage where they feel they had to act. It was nothing to do with me, I was only contacted after Jim left. He will learn from that, he will get another job, his CV with Dunfermline is good and if we can keep them up then he will have played his part in that. He brought in these players, I am not in a position to change them. I really hope that he gets an opportunity elsewhere. If he does I might lose my Assistant Manager!"

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2012-03-24 - St Mirren

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