Dunfermline Athletic

Gerry McCabe on Thursday

Friday, 2nd Mar 2012

01/03/12: GMcC "All the boys want to do is play football and they have been reassured by the Chief Exec that the situation will be resolved and that's all they wanted to hear.


Assistant Manager Gerry McCabe spoke to the press on Thursday lunchtime after the players had been informed of the cash crisis at the Club:-

"They know the situation, it was explained this morning and the boys were great with it they were fine.  That's all they wanted to know, it was clarified this morning so all we are doing is getting us ready for Saturday."   The players' reaction was not a surprise to Gerry:-

"Knowing who the boys are. It was the usual bit of banter, slagging off going on.They are here to play football, its all we can do.There are people who run the Club and we concentrate on the football side of it.  The Chief Exec and Jim Leishman came down this morning and the Manager was there and they just explained it and boys then went out on the training ground."

The players longer term concerns had been noted but the immediate job in hand was to stay in the SPL, Gerry continued:-

"This is the league that we worked so hard to get into and we know that the SPL is a different ball game and it has been a challenging season so far and every game is a challenge but although the results haven't gone for us we have enjoyed the challenge.  We have nine games to go, nine Cup finals and the boys know that. We are desperate to stay in this league and they will do everything they can.  We are not detached at the bottom and we know what we have to do."

So should the whole situation possibly galvanise the players?

"That's it.  The boys just want to play football.The boys are reassured so they just want to concentrate on the football. Hopefully it does galvanise them. We have a spirited bunch and they look forward to every game.  The training has been great every week, its never been down and we can never fault the guys for the way they have went about their business in training and most of the games this season and hopefully on Saturday we can continue that."


Gerry appealed for the Pars support to be mobilised and turn out in their numbers for the Motherwell match:-

"Away from home we have had great backing and good backing at home as well.  Certainly maybe because we haven't won at home that it has deterred a few but hopefully they can get behind us on Sat.  We know what we have to do to stay in this league and their backing would be most welcome.

"Certainly, the crowd have been great and we just want to give them something to shout about. Hopefully we can get that home result and the three points that we are looking for and get the monkey off our back at the same time."

Returning to last Saturday Gerry felt that Jim McIntyre was quite right to criticise the players after a poor showing at McDiarmid Park:-

"I think it was justified and the players have taken it and they know they let everybody down and most of all themselves.They know they didn't perform. Its not something that we have had to say often this season.  The boys got the plaudits for the way they have gone about their business and the efforts they have put in the games, but on Saturday we didn't have that.

"We didn't get it on Saturday but they put their hands up.  They don't really need us to tell them, if they are honest enough they know how they performed and whoever was at the game it was there for them to see.  We know the fans were very annoyed and quite rightly so.  We had a great away support, giving us all the vocal backing that we needed and we certainly didn't respond to it.  That was the most disappointing thing, but they know, they have been here long enough now to know what we expect and the one thing we do expect is effort from them which is what we have been getting.  I don't think there will be any more excuses and any performances like that.

"I don't know if the Celtic game took more out the players than what we thought but they just looked lethargic and had no appetite for the game and that was the most disappointing thing for us because we have always had that.  Hopefully it is gone and we have that one out of the way and Saturday is another challenge.

"Motherwell have been going great guns and have had the same side more or less every week. That's been a difference for them, but credit to them they have gone and got some great results and they will be looking to come here and keep their run going.  Obviously they are chasing that second spot but we have our own job in hand to do.  We are focussed on trying to get the three points because our situation is different from theirs.  We are desperate to stay in this league. I think it will be a good game and hopefully we can win it."

Dunfermline have struggled against Motherwell this season losing 4-2 at home and then 3-1 away. Gerry added:-

"They have good players and good wide men.  The game against us here they played really well and in the one at Motherwell I thought we had an opportunity when they went down to ten men but it was them who seemed to be galvanisedand. They took a step forward and we stepped back which was very disappointing.  We have a chance to put it right on Saturday.

"We know we are coming up against a right good team, they have good players, experience and Stuart (McCall) has brought in some good players who have fitted into the team.  I think they brought Ojamma in on a chance to see what he was like and he has certainly earned his contract.  He has been great for them.  The night he played against us he was busy and strong and the boy showed a great appetite for the game.  It's good when you bring in players like that and they hit it off right away and he will be one to watch on Saturday."


Dunfermline's chances of having more players available for selection are slim. Gerry explained:-

"Andy Barrowman trained today and Jordan McMillan is back today.We will find out later about Kyle Hutton. Kyle had a chest infection so hopefully we will get Kyle back as well. It just seems to be that we get two back and then another two out, that's the way its been. We just have to get on with the players that are available and those that are available on Saturday go out and really give us a performance.

"Kyle said he didn't feel well after the game but had been desperate to play and then we found out that he had a chest infection. He had been told then to stay away for a few days to let it clear up but is seeing the doctor today, so hopefully he gets the go ahead for Saturday and will be back in training tomorrow."

So given everything that's happened what was the mood like in the camp?

"It's been good. I know this situation is going to be highlighted but the boys have had the explanation from the Chief Exec this morning and they are out there as usual, the cheeky ones, the buoyant ones and the banter has still been flying.  All the boys want to do is play football and they have been reassured by the Chief Exec that the situation will be resolved and that's all they wanted to hear.

"We are desperate to stay in this league so they know what is more important here.  We have got to resolve our own situation by staying in this league."

Hear more from Gerry and the players on the Dunfermline Media Centre Matchday Build Up Programme

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