Dunfermline Athletic

Manager ahead of Rangers

Friday, 23rd Sep 2011

23/09/11: JM - "It is a chance for them to showcase themselves live on television. It is an occasion that you should embrace and not fear ...

Jim McIntyre

Rangers arrive at East End Park on Saturday on the back of a bad defeat at Falkirk and Jim McIntyre is expecting them to be out to make amends for the disappointment of going out of the Scottish Communities League Cup.

"Anytime you lose a game of football, you are looking for a reaction from your players and I'm sure Ally is no different. He made a couple of changes and we did the same ourselves against East Fife when we made three or four changes. Aberdeen did that on Tuesday night too and lost the game. As a manager you pick a team that you think can win a game of football and then in hindsight you think that you maybe shouldn't have changed it."

The Pars hope to emulate Falkirk and the gaffer stressed how important it is to have the belief that you can go out and get a result:-

"Look at St Johnstone earlier in the season. You need your players, and I mean all eleven, having great games against the Old Firm. That has not changed from my own playing days and you need a slice of luck. Rangers have got better players, that is not being pessimistic in saying that but just the facts. That's why they are champions and they are a team full of internationalists."

These are the types of games that players are desperate to be selected for and one that matters just as much for the Manager:-

"It is a chance for them to showcase themselves live on television. It is an occasion that you should embrace and not fear. I am not any different from them - you want to test yourself against the best. They are the current champions with a fabulous squad of players. I thought that they were magnificent last week against Celtic so it will be a tough ask for us but certainly not impossible."

Jim McIntyre

Jim McIntyre admitted to be disappointed with the 2-2 draw with Hibs last Saturday, disappointed because Dunfermline didn't win the game:-

"We created enough chances to win the game but we were delighted by the way they came back. Anytime you are 2-0 down in a Premier League game then it is a tall order to come back and we did that. We reviewed the chances on the video and we definitely had the better goalscoring opportunities and lots more of them.

"As much as we go on about wanting to keep clean sheets and cutting out individual mistakes, we need to put the ball away when we do create at this level. Other teams do it against us so we need that ruthless streak at either end."

The Manager is mindful that he took his team to Ibrox last September in the Co-operative Insurance Cup and paid the penalty for his attacking style:-

"We played quite adventurous and got beat 7-2. We could have scored four ourselves and they could have scored ten. Every week you look at the opposition, who you are playing against, where their key areas are and with them having better players, you need to stop them as well. You definitely need to be tighter against the Old Firm but at the same time we feel that we have players in our team who can score goals and cause problems. We will be looking at that as well.

Jim McIntyre

"Sometimes the way I want us to play leaves us open and I accept that but that's the way I see the game being played. I am not daft enough to know that I need to marry that in with results - you will not get people saying 'what a good team they are to watch' if they get beat every week. I wouldn't be happy, the fans wouldn't be happy . If that continued I wouldn't be doing my job, I would need to change things and make us stuffier. I definitely want to see us passing the ball and playing with a bit of freedom especially in the final third."

The Pars injury situation has not improved any in the last week, the Manager added:-

"They have not recovered as we would have hoped, so there will be no Easton, no Hardie and they were the only two who really had a chance. It is an ankle injury that is keeping Martin out and its the same ankle / shin with Craig."


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