Dunfermline Athletic

Joe Cardle Post Hibs

Sunday, 18th Sep 2011

"I got a lot of joy last week, maybe Hibs saw that and early on in the game they doubled up on me.

Joe Cardle v Hibs

Joe Cardle felt that three points could have been taken from the game against Hibs.

"Even though we came in with a draw, I thought the boys played some great stuff. We played the ball on the deck for most of the game. Hibs did well to come away from home and get the two goals but we pushed on and always knew that if we made chances, we could score goals. We are happy to come back with the two goals but unfortunately we didn't get the three points today.

"I thought we deserved them and we kicked on in the last ten minutes. There were a few chances where we could have scored but it just wasn't our day.

Joe Cardle v Hibs

"Even at 1-0 down at half time, we felt that we could get back into the game. Even though they scored another one we got one straight after through young Ryan Thomson. It was a great finish and he scored last week coming off the bench and scored again this week."

One of the flaws for a team that has scored six goals in their last three SPL games is that they have lost goals that means they only have one point to show for all their efforts:-

"Having scored two goals last week we expected to go up the road with some points but unfortunately we lost the game. There were a couple of errors in the game last week that we worked on this week. It wasn't the same this week; they scored their second from a deflection and the first was just slack marking from a throw in. We need to take the positives and from start to finish the boys showed that we can play at this level. If we play the way we have done today then I think we will stay in this league."

Joe Cardle v Hibs

Joe confesses that he is enjoying his football right now, enjoying the experience and the buzz of being on television:-

"We are playing against better players and its time for me to push on now. That's seven games I have played in the SPL and I want to keep getting points that will keep Dunfermline in this league."

Joe is finding it hard when teams are singling him out to be closely marked:-

"They were doubling up on me in the first half and I was playing to Paul Burns and Austin McCann because they were doing that. Second half I got a little more space and made a few things happen. That's my job at the end of the day, that's all I am there to do. If I am scoring goals and setting them up then I am happy to do that.

Joe Cardle v Hibs

"I got a lot of joy last week, maybe Hibs saw that and early on in the game they doubled up on me. I got a lot of that last season as well - teams knew how we played and doubled up on our wingers. As the game went up it opened up and helped me and Davie Graham to get into the game more.

"It created a lot of space in the middle for the likes of Mason to get on. It works in our favour and instead of taking two or three players on at a time, I can lay the ball on and to players who can get more time on it themselves.

"That game was on TV today and I thought that it was an exciting game to watch. This week and last week were two of the best performances we have played - getting the ball down and keeping possession."

Next up is Rangers at East End Park again its live on satellite television and its a game the Cardle family will all be up for:-

"I am thriving on it. For me its a big game, Rangers at home - I can't wait. I have been looking forward to all the big games - these are the ones that you look at the fixtures for at the beginning of the season and the ones that your family comes up for."

Joe Cardle v Hibs

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