Dunfermline Athletic

Montford voices memories

Wednesday, 18th Aug 2010

The fantastic tones of Arthur Montford were coming through the East End Park microphones on Saturday as a television legend returned with his favourites, Morton.

Arthur Montford
Former Scotsport commentator, Arthur Montford at East End Park 14/08/10

'Mr Scotsport' Arthur Montford followed his team, Morton, to East End Park on Saturday and he thrilled the guests in the Kingdom Suite with a pre match story or two. Immediately the 76 year old was talking about history:-

"Next year is a very special anniversary for this club because it is 50 years next year since Dunfermline won the Scottish Cup and it is a reminder for me that it was one of the greatest goalkeeping performances that I ever saw. That was Eddie Connachan's performance in the first game (of the 0-0 Final). Very few here will remember that but Eddie Connachan won the Scottish Cup for Dunfermline that year with one of the greatest goalkeeping performances I ever saw as Celtic lost to Dunfermline 2-0.

1961 Cup Winners

"I remember the Sports Editor at the time, John Wilson saying to me, 'what I want you to do when Dunfermline return with the cup is to follow the bus into town'. I replied that it would be very late before I get home but he said it is going to be a night to remember and he was dead right!

"We followed the bus into town and saw the players up in the Town House balcony and Jock Stein with the cup. It was a romantic occasion and it is so odd that you remember teams like St Mirren the previous season winning the cup against Aberdeen and Dunfermline winning the cup. Sadly I can never say that I remember seeing Morton winning the cup!

click here for larger image
Eddie Connachan at his induction into the DAFC Hall of Fame in 2007

"The only consolation I can take is that I was in the army in Egypt in 48-49 and I took a hell of a lot of money off the English pals I was with when Scotland beat England 3-1 at Wembley.

"It is great to be back here though with memories of those European nights and the Scotsport cameras away on the far side. You were always made very welcome and I am delighted to be see that nothing has changed."

Jim Leishman asked Arthur what was his greatest memory of Dunfermline in European football?

"The game against Valencia was one of the most unbelievable nights. On a misty night referred to in the Sunday Mail as Montford's mad movies, Dunfermline scored six goals that night but I saw many many games.

"I was reminded the other day when someone wrote to me about the 1960 European Cup Final. I have to say of all the games I did, and there were over 400 commentaries, Real Madrid and Eintracht was probably the greatest. For one team to score seven goals is a commentators gift. You write on the right hand side of your notes all the previous hat-tricks, penalties, highest score. It was the highest scoring European Cup Final ever, the best attendance at 123,000 and the referee was Jack Mowat who was 52.

"Remember nowadays that our referees are made to quit at 47 which I think is a big, big mistake because I think that they should be allowed to referee First, Second and Third Division matches after they retire (from Premierleague football). 47 is far too early. I said to Jack Mowat "it is a wonderful game for you last game" and he explained that he had a bit of a problem with UEFA because he had been told to submit his travelling expenses. Jack's secretary typed them out - Expenses for covering the European Cup Final- one shilling and sixpence - which represented nine pence each way from his home in Burnside. He must have been the cheapest referee ever to referee a European Cup Final and that was possibly one of the greatest games ever to be seen in Scotland."

Arthur went on to recall the 1974 World Cup Finals where Scotland, like New Zealand this year, returned unbeaten:-

"We had a great great team and a very much underrated manager in Willie Ormond. Willie was a great Scotland manager and a great player in his day."

Jim Leishman was prompted to recall famous games of the past asking Arthur if he remembered a certain match at Ibrox when Dunfermline won. The great commentator tested Leish:- "Do you remember who scored the winning goal?"

Leish thanked Arthur for leaving his friends in the Boardroom to come and speak to the guests in the Kingdom Hospitality Suite:-

"We talk about football players - the Denis Laws, Kenny Dalglishs and all the great names of Scottish football but of commentators Arthur is a true legend."

kick talk

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