Dunfermline Athletic

Scott Wilson Post Clyde

Monday, 23rd Mar 2009

"There were a few tired guys out there but you can't afford to be tired because if we'd lost today people start questioning our abilities in the First Division, never mind the SPL

Dunfermline v Clyde 21/03/09

Scott Wilson was a much happier captain than he was after the previous Saturday's match. Defeat at home to Thistle was followed by Scottish Cup success at Aberdeen and a resounding victory over Clyde. Scott conceded that it was quite a draining experience on Wednesday but when you win you get over it more quickly:-

"We knew this was going to be a hard game for us even if we hadn't played during the week. The boys did well, we took our goals clinically.

We gave Clyde a silly goal to get back into it but I thought we killed them off at the right time."

A goal in fourth minute was an an ideal settler:-

"There were a few tired guys out there but you can't afford to be tired because if we'd lost today people start questioning our abilities in the First Division, never mind the SPL.  It was a great win for us. That's two out of two we've gone undefeated so hopefully that can continue on Tuesday."

Scott added that it was only comfortable because they scored their goals at the right time:-

"Any encouragement they had was quickly killed off. To be honest we could have had one or two more, but we're happy. That's three points and we're moving in the right direction. That's another away win but it's the home wins that we need to concentrate on."

If the Pars are to catch St Johnstone they still have got a lot to do to claw back the 13 point disadvantage. If Dunfermline were to beat St Johnstone in the two matches they have yet to play against each other, that would leave St Johnstone with a maximum possible points total of 66 and Dunfermline 65. Scott knows that they just have to keep winning:-

"We're playing well enough at the minute but there's no one coming out of our dressing room saying we're going to win the league. Other teams are doing that so let them get on with it. The thing is with Dunfermline we've shot ourselves in the foot that many times so we're just going to take each game as it comes and hopefully keep winning."

Scott who turned 32 last Thursday is already committed to football in Australia next season but he is hoping to leave East End Park with a cup final appearance and promotion:-

"That's a dream send-off but it doesn't just come easy. You've got to work for it and to be honest, at the minute, we are just taking one game at a time because we had opportunities at this club and we have shot ourselves in the foot so many times so we'll just knuckle down and keep playing."

Clyde v Dunfermline

Looking out into the Broadwood car park, Scott stressed that it is not just himself that wants success this season:-

"There's a whole bus there full of guys who haven't played at Hampden. After we beat Aberdeen Graham Bayne was absolutely buzzing because he's never been involved in a game at Hampden. If you've played there a few times you sort of take it for granted, so it's great for the guys on the bus, for the young guys coming through to get that wee bit of plaudits against Aberdeen but there's a lot of hard work to come."

Scott left with a smile on his face as one of the press suggested that with Aberdeen fans calling for Jimmy Calderwood's resignation and Clyde fans venting their anger at John Brown on Saturday that the former Rangers man was becoming a bit of an Angel of Doom! He replied:-

"If you were at East End Park last Saturday they were wanting me sacked as well. That's football isn't it? Those two guys are big enough to get on with it."

Scott Wilson v Clyde 21/03/09

Views : 2,738

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