Dunfermline Athletic

Managers Post St Johnstone

Saturday, 1st Nov 2008

01/11/08: "It was a hard fought game; two sides going for it and credit to both sides ...

Jim McIntyre

Dunfermline Manager Jim McIntyre reflected that there was little between his side and St Johnstone on the afternoon's performance:-

"It was a right good entertaining game. The crucial point of the game was when the ball went out right in front of us, they played on and to be fair, what a finish from Liam Craig. All credit to the boy, a great strike and it has taken two world class goals to beat us.

"We have got to look at the ref's partner; it was right in front of the linesman and he has just played on. Their boy said to one of our defenders that the ball was out. That was a big big point in the game."

Asked about the contribution from Kevin Harper:-

"He was electric. He was really getting at the boy Craig and putting in some great deliveries. It was just unfortunate not to get more out of them. Harps gave them problems and they put on a defensive man and pushed Craig further forward into his natural position."

On the suggestion that his team could maybe have taken more from its first half chances:-

"We maybe deserved to go in front but I don't think there was much between the teams. It was a hard fought game; two sides going for it and credit to both sides. We have got to look at it from our point of view. Albeit the ball should have been out for throw in, at the end of the day our man shouldn't have let him run. We should have got the tackle in."

On the booking for Stephen Glass:-

"He has played the ball, his momentum has caught the boy there was no malice in it. Glass is not that kind of player. First half the ref made some bizarre decisions. He seemed a bit whistle happy but I do not want to bleat on about referees I thought it was a good game.

"As I said after the game when we beat them up at Perth that I still expected them to be up there as one of the favourites. My opinion never changed because of that result. It has not changed because of this result.

"We are not doing a lot wrong at the minute either. We put on a good performance today but two great goals have beaten us. We will lick our wounds and get ready for Tuesday night."

Dunfermline v St Johnstone

St Johnstone Manager Derek McInnes was delighted with the result and like his Pars counterpart felt that it had been a great game between two really good teams

"I have a lot of respect for Dunfermline, they have a lot of good players and you can see why they are up there and why they are going to challenge. From what I've said there it makes it an even better three points.

"Anytime you win a game it is great three points, win away from home it is slightly better but when its against a team that is definitely up there challenging it is even sweeter. We have got to respect Dunfermline's part in the game. I think Jim McIntyre's got them going well - they are a good side and a tough team to beat."

The Saints gaffer modestly played done his substitution that pushed forward the player who was to hit the winner:-

"Liam (Craig) has been doing well at left back but we were just concerned that a lot of their play was going down the right hand side. Obviously Liam has been filling in there. He did fine but they were playing on it slightly so if you have got that feeling I think it is better to identify it and change it before it comes back to bite you.

"In midfield he made some good runs forward. This is not slighting Paul Sheerin's performance. Paul was doing a lot of real hard work with great endeavour. I felt Steven Anderson would stiffen us up a bit. That was all it was.

"We started the game really well with a great first goal from Martin Hardie. Then we got rocked a bit when Kevin Moon went off and we had to make the change.

"Kevin is away to hospital. We think he took a kick to the chest and maybe actually stopped breathing. He was unconscious for a bit so there was concern. We are still awaiting on word back from his dad; obviously we hope that he is going to be ok because he was doing great in the game.

Injury to Kevin Moon

"Once Dunfermline scored I thought they had the better at the end of the first half. We stopped playing a bit and resorted to playing to longer to Derek Holmes. Second half we were much better and it was a magnificent goal to win any game from Liam Craig.

"He looked like he really had nowhere to go but to get the ball at his feet, connect so well and drill it past a good keeper was a fitting way to win a game.

"It was a real team performance. The boys have recognised what is required to win games in this league. We cannot always play well all the time but we played well today outwith a twenty minute period. Possibly we could have scored again but we will take the victory at East End since it is a difficult place to come."

St Johnstone added Dunfermline to Livingston and Partick as contenders they have recently got the better of:-

"The players are playing with a lot more confidence and that's 19 from 21 points - a great return in any league for any team. It has made uop for the stuttery start we had. I banged on all pre season that we wanted a good start but we will take one game at a time. We have players coming back into the squad which is pleasing.

"When you start winning games it makes it easier confidence wise. We are certainly became more difficult to play against and that had been our biggest failing. We were too open against teams too often and we are looking a lot more solid defensively."

McInnes paid tribute to the 1664 fans who travelled to Dunfermline to support his side:-

"They were great today and it would be great to come out to that every way game. They have come out in their numbers, whoever started in deserves a huge pat on the back. Somebody got it going and everybody has jumped on it. They were great and lets hope everybody who here today turns out at McDiarmid next week."


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