Dunfermline Athletic

Kevin Harper Post Stirling

Sunday, 27th Jul 2008

"We had the chances to score a few more but three goals and three different goalscorers is always good."

Kevin Harper

Kevin Harper thought Stirling Albion put up a good fight in the first half of Saturday's Challenge Cup tie but still felt that the Pars should have lead by more than just the one at half time. He revealed the Manager wasn't too happy at the break:-

"He let us know and when we came out we totally dominated the second half. I never played very well probably until I went over to the right, when I went over there I thought I did a lot better."

It was from the right that Kevin provided the supply for the second and third goals. It was pleasing that the goals came from midfielders:-

"It has been a worry through pre season that we have not been scoring enough. We had the chances to score a few more but three goals and three different goalscorers is always good."

Kevin scored three at Stirling on the last meeting but on Saturday he felt that he passed over the best chance of the match:-

"I think the ball is still coming down. You know you just have to brush yourself down, I didn't let that affect me especially since I didn't play particularly well in the first half. It is good that I showed the character that it didn't get me down."

It seemed the East End faithful more than forgave Kevin because when he left the field to be subbed by Paul Willis some in the stands were on their pins to give him an ovation:-

"It is good, it makes a change from last season. At the end of the day we got a result, it is not about Kevin Harper it is about the team as well."

The team appear to be a much more solid unit with that reflecting in their play. Kevin described how things feel behind the scenes:-

"We have a small squad and the boys are all together. There is a lot better team spirit this year than there was last year. That is always a big thing; in all my time in football teams with a good team spirit have always done well. Although we have a small squad we are all together, nobody feels any better than anybody else and we know that we have to work hard as a unit and as a team. Even the boys who don't make the squad, the people who are on the bench, we are all in it together.

"Jim has made it clear the way he wants to play. I think we are fitter and stronger this year. Certainly pre season was harder than last year so I think we are definitely fitter as a unit. Everybody knows what is wanted from them, if we get a few injuries then the people who come in know exactly what their job is. I think that is the big thing."

Team spirit both on and off the pitch will hopefully turn East End Park back into the 'fortress' it was a few years back.

"We need to let people know that when they come here it is going to be tough, it won't be as easy as what it was last year"

The pre season and Challenge Cup matches don't really give any pointers to the SFL season but Kevin is hopeful that when the league kicks off they can play well and get results:-

"There are teams there that are favourites to win the league but we will definitely be there come the shake up."

Kevin was not willing to agree to the suggestion that it might be easier this season when the expectations are not so great as they were last.

"I don't think so. It may be easier for the younger kids but for the experienced boys I don't think it matters. At the end of the day we let ourselves and the club down last year and it is up to us to lead from the front. We are the experienced boys, we have been about - it is time for us to step up to the plate."

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