Dunfermline Athletic

Managers Post QOS

Saturday, 26th Apr 2008

"We are three strikers short now, since Tam McManus has also left. We need to get some bodies in and that is what we are looking to do.

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Dunfermline boss Jim McIntyre was pleased to see his side score four goals at home since 7th May last year:-

"I was very satisfied, it is the first time we have done that this year. It was just important to win the game in front of the home fans and give them a wee bit optimism for next year."

Asked whether he was sorry that the season had just ended, given the final 45 minutes Jim replied:-

"It is very important to get off to a winning start. As you know we had a terrible start to the season and it continued on for a few months so it is important to get off to a good start but I think everybody is ready for a holiday; the fans, players and the Manager, definitely.

"It has been disappointing all round, we all know that but just based on today's game we were happy with our performance. The second half performance was excellent."

There was quite a transformation in the second half, Macca had pinpointed what was wrong:-

"It wasn't good enough, we were second to every ball and one thing that we have done under myself is that we have competed. We have always competed, the standard of play might not have been great at times but we have never let ourselves down in competing. I would not accept not competing."

The boss needed reminding that after a substitution early in the second half things took a decidedly different look. Inspired substitution?

"It was that. Obviously I was the weak link. I was struggling with an Achilles injury and I didn't train yesterday. I tried to give it my best but it was getting sorer and sorer and I didn't want to risk doing anything stupid at this stage in the season.

"The freshness bucked it up and we changed the shape about. That really gave us a lift. Scott scoring so early in the second half always gives the team a lift. His first of the season and I thought he was excellent again today. He has been one of my best players and he has signed a new contract for another year. We are delighted about that.

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"Mark Burchill, Stevie Crawford, Scott Morrison, Stephen Simmons leave. We wish them well, they are good lads. They played a big part in me getting the job in the first place and I will always be grateful for that. Stevie had a slight groin strain.

"We are three strikers short now, since Tam McManus has also left. We need to get some bodies in and that is what we are looking to do. We have been doing our homework for the last few months, hopefully that will come to fruition soon."

Queen of the South Manager Gordon Chisholm was disappointed with the result:-

"I thought we were the better team in the first half, we created two or three great chances. Wee Paul Burns was clean through; if you don't take your chances (you suffer). I was quite happy with them at half time. Just keep that going but it wasn't the same team that went out in the second half.

"I was disappointed with the goals that we conceded. It was not like us; we have been pretty strong defensively. There was a wee lack of concentration. Maybe they had one eye on the Cup Final.

"I had some boys in there where it was a case of have a look at them to see what they have got to offer. There are contracts up and contracts to be played for and places in the Cup final. All it needs is for someone to pick up a little knock in the next four weeks and things can change.

"Maybe it is what you need, a wee eye opener, a wake up call. As soon as you stop doing the right things in football, it comes back and bites you. I think that was a classic in the second half. First half we were doing OK, second half for some reason we never got going and we allowed Dunfermline to get on top of us and we suffered for it."

The Queens boss had some criticism for the fixture list that leaves them without a match until the Cup Final just under a month away:-

"Nobody has ever had to sit for four weeks without a competitive game and then go into a major Cup Final. Whoever organised it wants to have a we look at it because I do not think that's right. They obviously didn't think a First Division team was going to qualify for the Cup Final."

The Insider

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