Dunfermline Athletic

Alex Burke Post Livingston

Monday, 3rd Mar 2008

"I just want to finish the season getting as many games as I can and build towards making a challenge next season."

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Alex Burke's cracking first goal for Dunfermline was the highlight of a fairly stuffy affair on Saturday but he was pleased to be off the mark and he looks forward to a good final quarter to the league campaign since he feels that there is still plenty to play for:-

"I am delighted to get my first goal but just disappointed not to go on and win the game.

"We started well and then when we got the goal we seemed to take our foot off the gas and let Livingston back into it.Fair play to them, they got the goal and it is just a pity we didn't get a goal to kick on again.  That's the disappointing thing.

"The second half was even I felt though we had a couple of chances where we maybe should have scored but it wasn't to be.

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Just about to pull the trigger on his opening goal

"We were the better side up until the goal then after the goal they had a good spell.  I don't think anybody dominated in the second half so I can see why he (Jim McIntyre) has said that a draw was fair.

"It was windy but you can't use the wind as an excuse, it's the same for both sides. The one thing you hate playing in is wind.  There is nothing worse than playing in wind, but that's just the way it is in Scotland - you have got to adapt.

"Last week we played Clyde and it was the same - a game of two halves.  We got the two in the first half and you just have to adapt to it as best as you can.

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"We never won but the positive is that's three games unbeaten.You need to take the positives from this game and even last week's into the next game against Stirling."

Jim McIntyre disclosed on Saturday that Alex would be signing a pre contract agreement that will see him leave St Mirren for good to join Dunfermline.  Alex confirmed that this is near completion:-

"We have been speaking about it and it is just a case of getting it signed.  It is more or less all tied up, I will be delighted once I sign it.  I just want to finish the season getting as many games as I can and build towards making a challenge next season."

Alex decision to make the drop down a division was a relatively easy one to make:-

"I was in the team over the Christmas period and on the bench the last couple of games before I came here.It is just a fresh challenge.I know Macca from a few years ago at Kilmarnock and we have been speaking about his ambition to get back up.  I am just looking at it as a wee step backwards to go forwards.People say 'you are leaving the Premierleague but this is still a big club and I wanted to come here and help them get back to the Premiierleague and go and play there again.

"There are a lot of boys out of contract and other managers have different opinions of players.  He has already signed a couple of boys and I am sure he will be delighted to sign new players.

"If you just listen to him he obviously wants to get players in to go and make a challenge to win the league next year and get back to the SPL.

Man of the Match
Alex receiving his Man of the Match presentation from sponsor Chris Wishart

"It has been a disappointing season for Dunfermline in as much as they have come down and most people would have expected them to bounce straight back up.  It has not been and with the new manager coming in you just want to finish the season with as many wins as possible.Take the confidence from what will hopefully be a good last quarter, get a good pre season with players that he wants and have a good start.

"We are too far behind to go up but everybody has incentives whether playing for a contract but everybody is playing for your future.  Even the guys in contract, if they don't perform the manager might tell them to look elsewhere.  Everybody is playing for your future, everyone knows the manager and he will want to get a squad that is capable of challenging to get back to the SPL.  Everybody wants to be a part of it.As much as we are not going to go up and are sitting mid table there's all to play for."


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