Dunfermline Athletic

Stephen Kenny and Tommy Craig Post Semi Final

Sunday, 15th Apr 2007

"Hibs had definitely more possession, particularly in the second half, we probably had the clearer cut chances on the day.

Stephen Kenny started by remarking on the rather over the top facility of the luxurious conference facility at Hampden:-

"This is some room for a press conference I could give a lecture here. I am proud of the commitment and attitude of the players; their determination, their persistence - they were mentally strong and their concentration was very high.

Stephen Kenny Press Conference

"Maybe we didn't retain possession as well as we could have; we fell down in that area and gave the ball away a little too cheaply at times.

"I definitely think that there is more in us. We were probably down a few players today.

"I am glad I came to see the CIS Insurance cup final which I am glad I did because Hibs were exceptional on the day. You could see why clubs are looking to pay massive sums for Scott Brown; indeed his price probably rises with every game as more managers arrive.

"We watched that game and it was a lesson for me because tactically they are very different from everyone else in the SPL the way they play. They do not play orthodox at all, they interchange positions and it is something that we had to adapt to. We had to change our own positions to contend with that or else we probably have felt it difficult to stay with them to be honest.

"Hibs had definitely more possession, particularly in the second half, we probably had the clearer cut chances on the day. It was a great chance Jamie McCunnie had that came off the inside of the post that brought a brilliant save from McNeil from the follow up from O'Brien. Then Gary Mason's chance in the second half, it was a great chance and sometimes you have to take these chances but we didn't get punished for it. The replay will be a different day and a different game entirely that is the way replays are."

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The players were aware of the European place at stake for the winners. The Pars boss said:-

"They were aware of it. You need to use every tool that you have when you are trying to motivate people, absolutely. Dunfermline have only been once in Europe since 1970 and one Cup Final since 1968."

The defence held firm but a yellow card for Scott Wilson means that he will miss the replay a week on Tuesday:-

"We had to defend for us lives at times but our back four were exceptional today. Scott Wilson is a loss because he is a better player than most people realise. We will have Phil McGuire available for that and that is his natural position, so we are not too bad in that regard. We have Scott Thomson coming back to fitness as well; he has played a couple of reserve games and is not far away so we are not too bad.

"The back four were very good and they gave us a platform to competed well in midfield but we felt that we didn't contain them the way we should have, the way we are capable of. In fairness to them they are dynamic in that area with Brown and Ivan Sproule doubling up on the right in the second half, there is a lot of pace there and power. The pitch is imbalanced; he is supposed to play in the centre of midfield and he ends up on the right wing. The two of them were together for a long period."

That caused Dunfermline problems but Stephen Kenny had dropped Scott Morrison to bring in someone else to look after the potential threat on the right:-

"Scott Muirhead came in, he doesn't normally play in that position and he was very very good."

Hibs Assistant Manager, Tommy Craig met the press after the game and the somewhat taken aback press first wanted to know why John Collins had chosen not to attend the post match press conference:-

"His wife and kids flew in late last night, he hadn't seen them for a week and he is talking to the television at the moment and is going to take the opportunity to catch up with his wife and kids."

Did he not want to talk to us, is that what you mean?

"His wife and kids flew in last night, he hadn't seen them for a week and he is taking the opportunity to get together with them."

Tommy described the welcome they received from the Hibs support as "delightful".

"It was the kind of game that could have gone either way, they hit the post, we've hit the post and although we had a lot more possession in the second half we still didn't do enough in the final third. That is where the game wasn't won by either team, we both had our spells and it was a semi final that didn't live up to expectations. Semi finals can sometimes be like that. I would say that it is as difficult as last week."

Tommy Craig Press Conference

Do you see things cracking or crumbling?

"Absolutely not. We go back to Easter Road and re-group and get them to train like they have been training for the past week. We come back here a week on Tuesday and try and finish off the business that won't be easy because as you have all seen Dunfermline are coming good at this stage of the season by way of one or two acquisitions. The guy Stephen Kenny has done a terrific job. They were down and out in most parts or in most people's thoughts. He has galvanised them and we knew it was going to be as difficult as it was today. To answer your question we go back and start again."

Are there still issues?

"Every Monday you go in issues will crop up. Now listen, I'm talking to experienced people here, and I am not saying that there are not issues to sort out but that is all I am going to say. You will know yourselves being experienced journalists that most clubs like to keep things in house. Any problems that we have had or will have in the future will be kept in house. I know that is not ideal for you guys, I also know that the job you do is not easy either but a bit of mutual understanding is how I handle it and I hope you do the same."

Do you feel the players are behind the Manager?

"John made the point the other day there. First of all they play for themselves, then they play for the team and I cannot recall how many players or not how many players have played for me. You like to think that the work that you do with them, they in some way grateful for it. By and large I think players play to try and make themselves better. Performances are important to them and sometimes their team mates. Football can be a selfish profession that way whereby you look after yourself first and foremost. I cannot knock anybody for that I have done the same all through my career."

Stephen Kenny and Tommy Craig Post Semi Final Comments
Match Report: 15/04/07 Hibernian 0 Dunfermline 0
Scott Wilson Post Semi Final
Adam Hammill Post Semi Final
Jamie McCunnie Post Semi Final
Jim O'Brien Post Semi Final
I was there - pictures from Hampden

Views : 2,995

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