Dunfermline Athletic

Scott Wilson Post Kilmarnock

Monday, 4th Dec 2006

"We feel with the Manager that we have got and the players who are coming back we can turn it around.

Bamba v Kilmarnock

"Nothing is going right for us at the minute.  We are losing unbelievable goals whereas at the start of the season we were losing goals but it was tight and only getting beat by one. Now they seem to be flying in anytime the opposition are coming into the box; this is not good for us given the position we are in.

"At the other end it doesn't seem to be happening for us either. The new man has come in and he is trying to change it and it will work but we are doing ourselves no favours with the performances we are putting out. Everybody can put their hand up and say they are part of it."

It took Kilmarnock on nine minutes to hit the Pars net and it was a great disappointment that it came from a trademark inswinging corner from Garry Hay:-

"It came off Shieldsie and went in the back of the net.  To lose a goal in nine minutes, your game plan is out the window and we did very well to get back in it at 1-1. I thought we had a real chance then but the next three goals to go in at half time 4-1 down is embarrassing to be honest.

"You are thinking if you can get an early goal in the second half, you give yourself a chance but it wasn't to be. Everything seems to be going against us and it is at times like this that we have to get ourselves together as a squad.  It is up to us, not anybody else.  Motherwell got a result on Saturday, everything is going right for them but we have to be positive."

Paul Di Giacomo scored goals two and three and the fourth was converted by former Pars striker Colin Nish who had won the free kick that led to the goal:-

"I probably could have cleared the ball at first but I went in and he went down like a ton of bricks.  It is just frustration at times; the red mist comes over - it was silly.

"Scott Wilson at Kilmarnock

"The confidence in the squad is at an all time low, I cannot remember it being so bad.  It is not as though guys are not willing to work - during the week at training everybody puts a shift in and everybody goes into the game on the Saturday with a good attitude. You find your backs against the wall and I don't think there is one thing that has gone right for us in the last few weeks apart for the new Manager coming in.

"We have been used to this situation in the last two years but we have always had highs and maybe a few lows and then a high that has kept us in the league. At the minute everything seems to be going the same way and that is low.

"Any mistake is being punished.  If you look at last week, neither me or Shieldsie have made a mistake like that ever but we seemed to do it in the same game. When things are against you that is the way it is.  All you can do is keep battling on and hopefully it will turn eventually.  It cannot be like this for ever.  It is horrible to be drifting off at the bottom of the league but it is up to us.

"We have a big game next week - everybody will expect us to take a hiding.  The games after that are very important for the club; we have three on the bounce that are must win games to be honest. A few players coming back but I think the Manager will have learned something from that game on Saturday."

Steve Kenny commented post match that his players seemed to be too quiet on the pitch, Scott agreed that a lot of his teammates are quiet boys:-

"It is hard to get guys to come out of their shell, there's a few characters in the dressing room but in general it is a very quiet squad with guys just getting on with their work. You can take players away and do paintball and all that but let's just concentrate on football.  If we play well, win a game and get a few goals then the confidence comes from there to make people come out their shell."

No matter which players you speak to at Dunfermline they are united in their respect for and belief in their new Irish leader:-

"Definitely, I have no doubt that he will turn it around.  He has inherited a squad that is a bit of a shambles; there is not really anybody playing well at the minute. Take Dorus (de Vries) out of the equation - he was not at any fault for anything at Kilmarnock - it is up to the senior players and the young ones to rally round him.  We need the fans to get behind us too because there is only one way we are going if we keep going the way we are going.

"There is still a long way to go but we need everybody pulling together on this one.  The last three years we have got away with it, they say third time lucky but we don't see it that way at five points off at the bottom.  It is ridiculous talking about relegation at the moment because we feel with the Manager that we have got and the players who are coming back we can turn it around."

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