Dunfermline Athletic

Aaron Comrie’s changing roles

Friday, 17th Dec 2021

“The manager is trying to make us impose ourselves more and control games and dominate

Since signing from St Johnstone in May 2019 Aaron Comrie has made 85 appearances for Dunfermline but having started the season playing in a back three for Peter Grant he is now working hard to the get higher up the park in a role that is different for him. Aaron told the website:-

“I am new to it and it is a part of my game that I need to work on. I won’t shy away from that, I need to get better at certain things and I think the manager is going to be good for me in trying to get the best out of me.

“It is a wee bit more running and trying to get involved as much as I can. Trying to get the best out of me and trying to help the team more with more crosses or more assists. That is something that I am working on every day.”

The spirit in the club is high and although it has been there all season according to the 24 year old, the arrival of John Hughes has given a very welcome boost:-

“He is very hands on, he is always giving boys nuggets and football advice all the time since he came in. He goes round all the boys giving them little bits, at least that way as a player we know what he wants from us, there is no confusion.”

The difference is in trying to control games claimed Aaron:-

“Previously we have been more of a counterattack team, sitting in and being hard to beat. The manager is trying to make us impose ourselves more and control games and dominate them especially at home.

“To lose three goals at home is not good enough, when we are scoring three we should be winning the game comfortably. It is something that we need to look at and improve on.”

Aaron feels that those watching can see what they are trying to do as a team and he understands how the fans can become frustrated by their play:-

“We are trying to be offensive, dominate and control games but as it is just now, we are getting hit on the break and moments in the games are going against us.

“It is just finding that balance. I think that it is new to most of us, those of us who have been here for a while have never played in this sort of style of football. It is going take a bit of time to adapt.

“The fans get that frustration because they pay good money to see entertaining football. I can understand back passes and that boring style but I don’t think it is like that at all. We are trying to be on the front foot and keep possession with a purpose. We try to go side to side and create chances. I think that will come we just need a little bit more time.”

As one of the more experienced figures in the Dunfermline squad Aaron is now being asked to make his presence felt:-

“I’m trying to be better on and off the park and that is one of the responsibilities that comes with experience. The manager has touched on demanding more from each other and that is something I am trying to do more of.”

The trip to Kilmarnock on Saturday will pitch Aaron against two of his team mates from last season in Euan and Fraser Murray. He still keeps up with his former skipper but he has put off the catch up coffee until after the fixture.

“We need to go to Rugby Park and certainly not lose three goals. We need to be tighter and better in possession of the ball as well. It will be a tough game, I know that they have lost their last two but it is an important run of fixtures for us. We have the top four currently in the next four games and Kilmarnock is the start of it.”

With the home support desperate for successes that would take them back into the Premiership at the first time of asking and disappointed at taking no league points from the last twelve available, Dunfermline could seek to capitalise on disgruntled Killie fans setting the mood. Aaron discounted that saying:-

“I think it is going to be about what we do. We have to go and try and start fast. If you start slow at Rugby Park you will find yourself down so it has to be the game plan to start strong and see where it takes us.”

Aaron spoke to Jordan Burt for ParsTV

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