Dunfermline Athletic

Qualification goal for Aaron

Friday, 16th Jul 2021

“It’s a young team and I think everyone should be relishing the challenge of potentially going up against a Premiership team.”

Back in front of fans at East End Park for the first time since 7th March 2020, Aaron Comrie feels that it has been a long time coming and he is looking forward to them backing the team through to qualification from Group H of the Premier Sports Cup:-

“With the way the group is set up, we have a chance to go through and — with two games at home — will be looking to win those and send the fans home happy.

“Playing behind closed doors is hard to put into words, really. There are moments when it can be a real disadvantage, as probably all the players have acknowledged.

“But it also gave us a freedom to go and express ourselves, especially with the young squad we had last year. Maybe, at times, it would have helped those young players but overall it was a huge miss and hopefully we’ll never experience it again.

“At times, games last year were a little bit cagey because you didn’t have the fans egging you on. You lose some fire. So I’m looking forward to having that back and I think it’ll help.”

Of course there were fans at the two away games this season and on both occasions those present, only home fans, made a huge noise when the players ran out ahead of kick off. Aaron thought it might have been a case of mistaken identity:-

“When we ran out, the St Mirren fans thought we were them because we were wearing black and white. We got a wee cheer, which isn’t normal! But even as away players, we got a lift and buzz from having a crowd there.”

The 24 year old who joined Dunfermline in the summer of 2019 has enjoyed training under the new management of Peter Grant and says that it has all been very positive:-

“Training has been intense, we have a clear picture from the manager on how he wants us to play and that’s always good. A few boys are playing different roles and that’ll take a bit of time to get used — it won’t happen overnight.

“It will be a lot of possession based football and there have been good signs in the first two competitive games we have played. It will only get better.”

Above (L-R) Aaron Comrie, Paul Watson and Ross Graham

Having played the last two seasons since joining from St Johnstone at right back Aaron has performed a centre half role as par of a back three alongside Paul Watson and new signing Ross Graham.

“I’ve enjoyed it. I think the defensive side of the role suits me. I might be lacking some height but the boys have told me I’ve got a big jump — hopefully that evens it out. I’m getting touches of the ball and have a freedom to overlap — which was unheard of for centre halves until recently. It’s a really attacking formation and I’m enjoying it.”

Peter Grant has used the Euros to demonstrate some of the ways he wants his players to play and has paid particular attention to Italy’s defence despite the fact they weren’t playing a back-three. Aaron continued:-

“I wouldn’t be comparing myself to anyone at the Euros but, positionally, the manager touched on a few teams and what they did well off the ball, and helping each other on the ball.

“It was more about the two centre-halves of Italy and how they defend their box, the positions they take up and trying to translate that into our back three.

“In a Scotland shirt, Kieran Tierney does that really well and — although I’d never compare myself to him — if I can emulate any of his play, then I’ll be doing well.

“It can definitely be effective. The main feedback from the boys is how much more running it feels like we’re doing and I think that’s good, defensively and going forward.”

Above: Aaron Comrie’ header puts Pars 2-1 up

Aaron feels like Dunfermline are getting more numbers behind the ball but when attacking he has the freedom to go and overlap. That paid off on Saturday at Firhill when he scored an important goal in the 4-2 victory.

“It’s not been a normal role for me, going up for setplays. But, for the size of me, I think I’m a little bit deceiving, because I’m decent in the air. I don’t know if that’s caught one or two out, but it was definitely nice to score. Hopefully I can get a few more.”

With there only being home fans at Partick there was near silence when Aaron scored, he said:-

“I didn’t notice at the time - I think I was in shock that I’d scored. It came at a good time and it really helped us.

The manager has his squad working on their style during the week and Aaron claimed:-

“The boys know if someone steps forward then someone’s got to fill that space. He doesn’t mind where boys end up playing. Communication is obviously a big factor but the boys are well drilled.

“At times, we’ve got three strikers on the pitch, so we’re defending in numbers - and going forward in numbers.”

Aaron revealed that he did yet not know if he was playing on Saturday but he is hoping that he could be part of another League Cup progression:-

“Sometimes we get an idea through doing shape but today we never, so we’ll find out tomorrow before the game. It would be massive to get through the group stage. The club get income and for the boys that is the first task, if you like, of the competitive campaign.

“Everyone is going to be trying to get out of this group and we’ve got two home games to finish it off. With fans back as well, it’s looking decent.

“Since I joined the club a couple of years ago, both times we’ve managed to get out of the group. The first year we played Celtic and did well. Last year, we ended up playing Arbroath and then St Johnstone, and again did well.

“It’s good for everyone. It’s a young team and I think everyone should be relishing the challenge of potentially going up against a Premiership team.”

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