Dunfermline Athletic

Two in, two more soon, more later

Tuesday, 6th Jul 2021

Peter Grant gives an update on his squad building efforts

Pars manager Peter Grant has indicated that he hopes to have one or two new players in by the time Dunfermline play St Mirren this time next week in the Premier Sports Cup. He told the media today:-

“We are still a few bodies short, that’s for sure. We are trying hard and we are close on a few things. After that, I would hope for another two or three. That’s the aim and I think that’s what we need. I’ve had great support from the chairman and the rest of the board and they are aware of what I think we need.

“I would like for everyone to be in the door by the first league game if possible but, if not, and it goes right to the end of the transfer window, then that is what we will do. As I have said before it’s not easy. Even if you are trying to get some loan guys in, some of them are with their first teams — and have only just started training — and they are travelling with first teams and involved with those groups.

“With others, there are negotiations involved because, if they are good players, then we aren’t the only ones interested in them. That’s the quality we are aiming for.

“It’s not easy but I have a lot of good things to sell here, in terms of the size of the club and the expectations here. Hopefully that falls in our favour.”

That appears to have worked when it came to bringing in the two most recent signings Dan Pybus and Ross Graham.

“They are two boys that I have watched closely and played against, Dan quite a few times and I thought that he was different to the type of players that we have in the building. I just wanted to see what his fitness levels were because obviously he had an injury last season. He has got up to fitness very very quickly. He needed a couple of games but he has done exceptionally well and thoroughly deserved to get the opportunity to come here. I think he will a surprising asset.

“I saw him two or three years ago for the first time and I always very aware of him when we were playing against him. He is probably different to the modern day footballers where a midfielder just wants to get on the ball but Dan is still the old type who wants to run and support the front men.

“I think that it is great to have playmakers in your team. I love to have midfielders who can break into the box as well and Dan can do that very well.”

Ross Graham caught Peter’s eye play against Alloa Athletic when on loan at Cove Rangers last season, he explained that he had contemplated trying to take him to the Indodrill Stadium when League One was suspended:-

“He was excellent. Cove probably outplayed us when they beat us 3-2 in the cup. I had an opportunity to try and take him to Alloa when covid hit again but I knew the league hadn’t totally shut down and I thought it would be unfair on Cove at the time because they were going out to try and win the league. It would have been easy to get him to a Championship club but I thought that it was only fair.

“I followed him closely, worked hard to try and get him here, he was training with the first team and United were very keen for him to do that. His contract was signed before they would allow him to come out on loan. A lot of work went into that one done but I’m delighted that they agreed that and I’m sure that we will see a talented player playing for us now.

The manager indicated that he might well be dropping the interest in the trialist who played in the closed doors match against Hibs last Saturday:-

“We were having a look at him and he played very well. He is a player I knew of previously but hadn’t seen play for the last couple of years.

“He played on Saturday but I just felt that he was very similar to some of the players we have at the club. If it is going to be similar to what we already have, then why would I overlook one of our younger players? I think the young ones deserve that opportunity. It doesn’t matter your age, if you can play you can play.

“When you bring people in the door you have to ensure that they are more than capable, effecting the training right away and not dropping the standard.

“I have been very pleased with the young boys here as well, they have down exceptionally well so that combination of bringing new ones in, fresh ones in and quality players coming in has shown the group where we want to be.

“Hopefully when the injured ones return we will have a squad that represents this great football club and gives us the opportunity to win the league. That is the bottom line to try and win the league.”

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