Dunfermline Athletic

Cammy’s Cup Chance

Friday, 13th Nov 2020

“I need to make the most of these moments and hopefully do enough and in training Monday to Friday to get that end product at the end of the season

In Owain Fôn Williams’ absence on international duty most Pars fans expect Cammy Gill to be named goalkeeper for the Betfred Cup match at home to Clyde. Cammy wasn’t assuming that much when he spoke to the website:-

“I hope so, nothing is set in stone. I will just need to keep applying myself in training. Fônners is away but there is pressure on me from Ben Swinton and young Liam Campbell pushing me every week as well so I cannot take my foot off the gas this week and expect to play. It is like that right through the club in every position. Everyone knows that they want that starting place but I am hoping that I might be playing.

“The same as every other week, I am 100% in training to make sure that I get that place come the weekend. It is games like this that I am hoping to play in where I can get that bit of game time. Obviously I am not getting that in the league this year with Fônners doing really well and the team being very settled at the back of the pitch. If I am selected at the weekend, these are opportunities that I have to make the most of.”

It was a Tunnock’s Challenge cup game last season against Alloa Athletic that provided Cammy with the chance to get a run in the team. He did hold on to the shirt for the next six league matches but the 22 year old keeper was quick to point out:-

“Back then the team was struggling in the games leading up to that cup game. It was a real opportunity to try and stake my claim for a place in the team. I knew going into that I would have a good chance of keeping my place. I did managed to keep my place for my biggest run of games in the first team.

“It is a bit different this time the fact that the reason I am getting a game is Owain is away with his national side. I just need to make the most of this game and hope that we get through the group. I know everything is looking good for us but nothing is confirmed as of yet. We need to try and get the three points to top the group. You never know I might get an opportunity after that to play in the following stages of the cup if we get there.

“Everyone is just focused on this week. It will be a tough game against Clyde. I know Tom Lang who is a very good player who has gone there, David Goodwillie is upfront so it will be a test for us but one that we are all looking forward to.

“Goodwillie has played at a top level and he is a top player. He will be a threat throughout and he is one of those strikers that can be not in the game but gets one chance and it’s a goal. We will need to be aware of that as we try and continue that unbeaten run.”

With Owain Fôn William’s arrival in the position of player / goalie coach this season Cammy feels that there is a different dynamic.

“I had something like that with Sean Murdoch with David Hutton when there wasn’t a goalie coach. This time obviously I am a wee bit further on in my career but the training has been brilliant, high intensity that I really enjoy and I feel that I have come on a lot.

“I am not having game time but I am doing everything I can Monday to Friday to get myself in the best shape if I am called upon. Hopefully I am this week.

“Even after the game at Ayr instead of me doing the running the big man who has just kept a clean sheet in the league and was going away with his country the next day, he could have just sat in the changing room and got changed but he was out putting me through my paces for a good ten to fifteen minutes which is what I need. He notices that and it is great that he is willing to push me forward in little scenarios like that. Doing that on a Saturday benefits me hugely and I appreciate that but it is like that Monday to Friday. On a Saturday I am doing everything I can in the warm up just to make sure that he is ready as well.

“I am really enjoying learning and using all the big man’s experience to take all these tips and hints to benefit my game.”

Cammy is very conscious that his contract at Dunfermline is up at the end of the season and so this is an opportunity for him to do as much as he can to try and impress Stevie Crawford. The keeper closed:-

“I am at a stage where I’m 22 years old and only played a handful of games. I need to make the most of these moments and hopefully do enough and in training Monday to Friday to get that end product at the end of the season. It is a wee while away and there are so many ifs and buts about now but hopefully at the end of the season there is an offer on the table.”

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