Dunfermline Athletic

Season Ticket Sale 2020-21

Sunday, 21st Jun 2020

“I appeal to as many Pars fans as possible to assist our Club in preparing for the coming season by purchasing a season ticket.”

For everyone in the world the last few months have not only been unprecedented but extremely challenging. Sadly, too many people have been lost to us over this period but the sense of community and engagement demonstrated, together with the courage and strength shown by so many, have been genuinely heart-warming.

It has proven to be a somewhat bruising time for me personally, but I will continue to fight tooth and nail to look after the best interests of our proud Football Club. In terms of running and managing the football club, during this period, it has also been particularly difficult and there will be a continued need to try to predict the unpredictable as we move forward. Planning has been challenging, and the Board needs to be honest and transparent with our loyal and generous fan base by setting out the position as we see it.

I have pointed out previously that I felt we could not start selling season ticket cards until we had a better idea of the games programme for next season. I am pleased that all of the Championship clubs have worked together collaboratively and pragmatically over the last few weeks to create a viable and measured fixture card for season 2020-21, which takes into account the risks as we currently understand them.

As has been reported, we will undertake a three-quarter season, involving a 27-game Championship commencing in mid-October, running as normal until the beginning of May. The majority of the games are scheduled to take place in 2021 when it is expected that we should be back to full capacity in our stadiums.

Consequently, we are now comfortable putting our season ticket cards on sale for next season, albeit with some challenges. As I highlighted in March, I had originally hoped that we would put season ticket cards on sale, as normal, in early May - so we are now actually six weeks behind. The revenue that we receive from season tickets allows us to plan with some certainty for the coming season.

This year, perhaps more than ever, we need to have a good idea of the likely level of that revenue. So, I now appeal to as many Pars fans as possible to assist our Club in preparing for the coming season by purchasing a season ticket card. We need to determine, as quickly as possible, our likely income. This will allow us to plan and provide Stevie with an appropriate budget to strengthen the playing squad.

I am acutely aware of the many financial challenges individual families may have at this time, and I am hugely respectful of this fact and appreciative of the donations we have received to date, which continue to make me feel very humbled. However, I would not be doing my job as Club Chairman if I did not issue a rallying call to our fans to support our Club in terms of planning for next season. We need your further support more than ever as all football clubs face significant challenges in the coming season.

In terms of season ticket cards, we have tried to make things as simple as possible for the coming season and to adopt as flexible and transparent an offer as we possibly can, under difficult circumstances. I hope our supporters understand our reasoning. There may be some people who might be slightly worse off but hopefully they understand the bigger picture for season 2020-21.

We are truly thankful for the numerous messages we have received asking that we put season ticket cards on sale sooner, as so many wanted to offer their early support and to provide further donations over and above the season ticket card price. We have tried to take everyone’s ideas into account, in as comprehensive a way that we can.

SEASON 2020-21
Turning to the coming season’s ticket card terms and conditions. Based on a 27-game programme, we will have either 13 or 14 home games at East End Park. It is not entirely clear at this stage, if we would have to play perhaps two or three of the initial home games behind closed doors, or within a ‘socially distanced’ stadium until we are allowed to host matches without any restrictions.

If we are playing in a ‘socially distanced’ stadium, the likelihood is that only home supporters would be allowed into the stadium. Therefore, our package needs to be flexible at this stage and we ask for everyone’s understanding of these issues, because we cannot be certain at present of the precise split between games that will be streamed live, games that will be subject to reduced numbers, and normal matches with an unrestricted crowd attendance.

A season ticket card holder would still purchase their “normal” seat, in their favourite stand, but could only be sure of being able to sit in that specific seat when we are operating without any restrictions. In the case of a ‘socially distanced’ stadium, all season ticket card holders would have priority access to a seat.

In the event that a small number of matches are played behind closed doors at the start of the campaign, all season ticket card holders will be provided with a free, live stream of the match delivered by a new camera system which will be installed in all Championship grounds for the season. Pars TV will host this, and we are working closely with our in-house TV colleagues to upgrade the access system and delivery.

To reward season ticket card holders we will also offer the Betfred Cup group stage matches played at home as part of the package for 2020-21.

Our premium season ticket card holders who normally attend the Rennie Suite or Jock Stein Centenary Suite should purchase a normal ground season ticket in the first instance, and then will be able to upgrade that on a pro rata basis once we are allowed to provide hospitality.

As a result of the issues and challenges noted above and thus the need for flexibility, we have streamlined the pricing structure and have removed differential pricing between specific stands within the stadium. The 2020/21 season ticket prices are as follows:

ADULT £250
UNDER 18’s £125

As ever, it is important for supporters to remember that our Club will immediately lose one sixth of the income, in VAT, for every ticket sold.

Season Cards will go on sale as from today, 18 June, initially via our new Ticket website (www.dafctickets.co.uk/) that has been simplified for ease of use. It is anticipated that the Club Shop/Ticket Office will reopen on 3 July, for over the counter purchases. A user guide, with screen prints, to assist supporters with registering on the website can be found here.

At the Check-Out supporters can also pay an additional amount over and above their season card price, if they wish, by selecting the designated sum in the donation box. Donations will NOT be subject to VAT. This new process has been put in place to facilitate the many offers we have had to date from supporters wanting to assist our Club further, as part of their season ticket renewal. I confirm that all sums received by way of additional donations will be allocated to the Manager’s football budget to strengthen further the playing squad.

All of the DAFC Board genuinely appreciate the efforts of our fan base over many years since we came out of administration in 2013. We are once again faced with yet another challenge along the way which is of not of our making.

Your continued support, at this difficult time, would be hugely valued as we try to navigate our way safely through the season ahead of us.

We need to stand together once more (even if it is socially distanced at the start). I know, because this is Dunfermline Athletic, that I will not stand alone.

Ross McArthur

Views : 12,803

Archived website
This website served as the official Dunfermline Athletic website from season 2006-2007 until season 2022-2023.

Stories, match reports and interviews for these seasons can still be accessed here.

The current DAFC website with up to date information is on this link https://DAFC.co.uk
DAFC Archives
Dunfermline Athletic Heritage Trust. Information on past players, fixtures, league tables and archives can be found at www.daht.org.uk
For Season 2023/2024 SPFL regulations mean that on a Saturday afternoon we have to offer a Subscription service for overseas viewers. This will either be a monthly or a yearly subscription (on a Saturday it is FOR OVERSEAS viewers only - some dates are exempt.) https://ParsTV.co.uk
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