Dunfermline Athletic

Manager on Thursday

Thursday, 19th Sep 2019

19/09/19: SC - "I know that the players were disappointed but we have to change disappointment into a positive and make sure that we are in the right mindset to take on Partick."

Pars boss Stevie Crawford describes the fixture against Patrick Thistle on Saturday as a "massive" one. He told the media:-

”Both ourselves and Partick are not where we want to be. It is what it is, we very much have to go to Partick and take heart from the performance on Saturday, albeit it wasn`t the result that we were looking for.

"It`s about making sure that we go and focus ourselves on this game. We can`t change anything that has happened now. We need to fine tune in that final third of the pitch to give ourselves an opportunity to score goals.

”Certain issues like injuries make you adapt formations. We are trying to take it back to that basic formation, where boys know their jobs and gives you a foundation to try and build upon. It is about not getting too downbeat. 

”I have said this before to get this first league win and get that off our backs, I will take that pressure. As a coaching staff I don`t want to throw that in on top of the players, I would be more concerned if I was sitting talking this week knowing that we didn`t deserve to take anything from the game last week.

”Partick is a hard place to go but certainly a place we can go and get a result to get our season up and running."

Stevie said after the game on Saturday that he believed Dunfermline didn`t deserve to lose and having watched it back, noted that they limited an Inverness side that had scored eight goals in their previous two games, to very few chances:-

"I thought we were solid, we went back to basics and did it well in terms of a flat midfield four. The one thing that we probably didn`t do was test their goalkeeper enough. We did put crosses into the box but there is just an edge off us at the moment probably because of the way results have been.

”We need greater confidence in the final third of the pitch because we are just not causing enough problems.

”The reality of it is that we have had a big turn around of players but in football you gave to get results to allow time to gel the team together. I am not side stepping that, we have players who will go on and have very good careers at Dunfermline and possibly go on to other things as well. We are at the early stages of that but the responsibility I have to take on my shoulders, is that we have to start getting points on the board.

"I know that the players were disappointed but we have to change disappointment into a positive and make sure that we are in the right mindset to take on Partick."

That disappointment is shared by fans and the Board. Stevie is delighted with the backing shown by Chairman Ross McArthur:-

“The chairman is fully supportive. I speak with Ross regularly, I think the days have gone by when you only saw the chairman at a board meeting.

“I think it’s healthier, he understands where you’re at and he takes an active interest in what’s happening throughout the club, not just on the playing side. He’s been a great support for me.

“It’s difficult because we’re not where we want to be and we’re just a wee bit away from kicking on, turning this and going on a run.

“Inverness are sitting near the top of the league and there was nothing in the game on Saturday. That’s not to say I’m accepting getting beat, far from it.

“The chairman is very understanding of the situation - but he’s a Dunfermline supporter like everybody else and he wants us to win as many games as possible."

Commenting on the supporters` understanding, SC added:-

“I know what the club means to a lot of people. The club was great to me when I was a player, but I’m not a player any more, I’m the manager of the football club.

“I don’t want people picking up on any comments and thinking I’m accepting of the situation because we’ve got a young squad, and that’s the reason for the position we find ourselves in at the moment.

"I’ve got a belief in youth and a belief in the playing staff we’ve brought in but we’re better than what we’re showing at the moment. Collectively if we stay together and just get that bit of confidence and momentum, then we’ll be competitive in this league."

The first three home league matches against Dundee, Dundee United and then Inverness were not the easiest of starts to anyone`s season.

”They were tough. To bring as many bodies together then talk about when they are going to gel. You come under a little bit of pressure as a player as well that if the results are not going their way then the fans can turn that bit quicker.

”But I have said that you shouldn`t be at Dunfermline if you cannot handle fans being disappointed when you are not winning games or if something doesn`t come off in a game. They have to mature that way and they will definitely have the coaching staff’s backs all day long in terms of that.

”We can`t go hiding when we are trying to attack, hiding from the ball, being frightened to put crosses in and having shots at goal. Not bouncing one twos trying to get in behind because it takes the edge off our game.

”Youth brings excitement but we need to make sure that they don`t become scared and frightened to express themselves. It is just getting that balance right.”

Turning to player availability Stevie gave an update on Anthony McDonald`s injury:

"Anthony is obviously a Hearts player and is in the hands of their physios, but we’re going to look at getting a scan. It’s very frustrating, but we’ve got the well-being of the player to look after and it’s out of our hands.

“We can’t be pushing the situation, we were aware when we signed him (that he was injured) and it’s frustrating but we’ve got to make sure we follow the right procedures.

“Getting near the end of the transfer window, there was a lot of work to finalise the squad the way we wanted it because it wasn`t just two or three that we had targeted. We had talked about the possibility of bringing in a wide player and the opportunity came to bring in Anthony and Harry Cochrane.

”It is disappointing that there’s been an issue with where Anthony is but it’s one of those things. We have to deal with it and make sure we go to Partick, whether Anthony’s part of the squad or not, and get us up and running.”

Josh Edwards` injury is not a muscle injury, as such, it is in his calf.

"He was very tender on it on Monday but it’s one of these injuries where, day to day, you do find a big difference in them. So, we’ll hopefully have him back.

”Josh Edwards has come in. He is nineteen years of age, he did well at Celtic, he has done well, fitted into the back four and didn`t look out of place. Lewis Martin moved inside to play at left centre half. There are positives but if you win games of football it gives boys the chance to get more confidence."

Saturday might come a bit too quick for Tom Lang to return and Ryan Dow`s progress is being monitored:-

"We tried him towards the end of last week and he just came up short. We just have to make sure, that if we can get him on the field we are not going to cause him any longer term injury concerns. Other than that I think we are all good."

Joe Thomson will be going for a strength test at Murrayfield. The hamstring test he was put through with the physios was fine but he will need to test the strength in his right thigh before he can join in with the training.

Euan Murray will be scanned at the end of next week but he andJoe have been joining in training, albeit non contact. SC commented:-

”They are desperate to get back and help the group. It is not going to be down to eleven or fourteen players this season, it is going to be a collective effort. Yes they are a big miss but it doesn`t mean that we can`t win games without them. We need to get this burden off our back, get this first league win and get us up and running.”

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