Possible Season Ticket Option for Pars Fans
Thursday, 9th May 2019Important new for DAFC fans for next season`s tickets
Kingdom Community Bank (KCB), Fife’s largest credit union, is delighted to announce that it is able to offer Pars fans the option to purchase their season tickets in instalments. KCB appreciates that this is an option that helps the club plan its finances in advance of the new season and also gives locally based fans the opportunity to stagger the cost of their season ticket over the duration of the season, to suit their personal circumstances.
KCB is a local not-for-profit financial co-operative owned and controlled by its members and it prides itself in being an ethical bank that helps its members save, budget and access affordable credit.
In order to take advantage of this offer, fans would need to become a member of KCB and either live or work in Fife. There is no joining fee but participating members must be over 18.
KCB would offer new members loans that cover the cost of their season tickets. As a representative example, the APR on the purchase of one season ticket would be 42.6%, so for example on an adult season ticket costing £300 to be paid over 12 months, the monthly interest payment would be £30.16, the total payable would be £361.89, £61.89 of which would be interest. Interest rates would drop where multiple tickets are purchased by one borrower. Terms can be flexible according to individual fans’ needs but all loans must be repaid within 12 months.
As a responsible lender that is regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority, KCB conducts affordability checks on all loan applications and reserves the right to decline applications.
All savings deposited with KCB are used in the local community, may attract a dividend if voted for by members and are fully protected by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme.
All loans for the purchase of season tickets will be paid directly to DAFC, normally within 5-7 working days of receipt of a complete loan application, and the club will then issue the season ticket directly to the applicant.
KCB understands the business impact of personal data related risks and is committed to protecting members’ privacy. Other than required by DAFC for issuing the season ticket, no personal data will be shared with DAFC or any other parties. While DAFC is permitting KCB to advertise its services, DAFC and KCB do not have a formal agreement between them and neither party should be construed as a promoter of the other.
To become a member of KCB, either visit its offices or collection points (full details on its website at www.kingdomcb.org.uk.) or email info@kingdomcb.org.uk or phone 01592 714888 and advise staff that you are a Pars fan looking to possibly buy your season ticket in instalments.
This is a Financial Promotion approved by Kingdom Community Bank
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