Dunfermline Athletic

Manager on Thursday

Thursday, 24th Jan 2019

24/01/19: SC - “If they go out as an individual on Saturday, running about trying their hardest but taking themselves tactically out of what they are meant to be doing and Morton cause us problems because of it, that is not what we need.

Stevie Crawford made his first signing of his Dunfermline managerial career and it was a familiar face goalkeeper, Ryan Scully who could go straight into the match against the club he just left.

“We are obviously delighted to bring Ryan on board. He was here four years ago in his last spell and did well in his time here. I think that he is a good addition to the squad, people might raise their eyebrows about bringing a goalkeeper in when we are having issues other places.

“I have come into a situation through no fault of Lee. He is on a part time contract and if we want to do work earlier in the week, and modern day football goalkeepers have a big part in that. Hence the reason of bringing Ryan in. It makes it more competitive as well for the club.

“I felt that if we were going to work on things and try and develop players and develop the team in the manner that we are hoping we needed a full time goalkeeper in to do that.

“Where I am at the moment it is a case of fighting for places. I imagine that Lee will see it as a threat with someone coming in but so will Cammy Gill. I want the place to be vibrant in terms of competing for places. If it means looking over his shoulder or what not then that is what I want in my players. I don’t want anybody comfortable here. We are sitting in seventh place in the league which isn’t good enough for Dunfermline.

“Anybody that I look to bring in or anybody that we add to the squad we hope are going to bring a better mentality, they are going to bring competition for places and help us win games.”

Asked if that would signal a possible loan deal for 20 year old keeper Cammy Gill, Stevie replied:-

“We have brought Ryan in and we will see what develops between now and the end of the transfer window. Ryan, Lee and Cammy are good goalkeepers. We will see what happens over the next week or so.”

On the subject of potential signings SC explained that the homework was being done and behind the scenes work was underway.

“Obviously it is difficult to try and bring players in January. We do need to strengthen, we are not at the stage where we are at the stage where we can say anything in terms of bringing somebody in. All I can say is that we are working tirelessly behind the scenes to try and add to the team because the squad does need a bit of help.

“All I can say to the supporters and those at the club that the chairman, Ross, is backing me on it and we are covering everything we can to try and bring people to the club who can hopefully help us progress.”

Stevie pointed out that it should not be assumed that the lack of goals was all down to strikers.

“Collectively we have got to make sure that we bring in the right characters. We are covering all bases because time is running out in terms of the transfer window. The one thing that I will stress is we can’t bring somebody in who is not going to add to the competition for places.

“I’d rather go with younger hungrier ones that we know at the club. That is no disrespect to what is out there, the fans deserved to see us bringing in quality that is going to better us, not just somebody coming in for the sake of coming in. I am very aware that we need to bring faces in, all I can say that it will be a long week towards the end of the window but we will be trying our hardest to freshen things up.”

Saturday’s result at Starks Park was still hurting and SC described how subdued his players had been in a bounce game against Dundee United.

“It showed that they are hurting but it has to show on Saturday. We have prepped ourselves this week the best we can again. Myself, Greg and the coaching staff have looked at issues since we came into the job. We have looked at other options available to us.

“We have not managed to score in the two games when I have been in charge so far. So something has to change in that regard. Whether that is personnel or whether it’s a change of formation that will be for us to decide come Saturday.”

SC revealed that there is no sign of an additional coach coming in at the moment.

“We have to be respectful of people in positions. The big thing on this one it has to be the right type to drive ourselves forward.”

Turning to the opposition for Saturday’s fixture - Morton - Stevie said that they have been setting up over the season 3-5-2.

“They won their last game at home against Ross County at home in the Friday night fixture. They are a threat at set plays so we will have to be guarded and make sure that we are set up properly.

“In the two games we have played them we have caused them problems. Whether they go with a 3-5-2 or Jonatan changes it to a four diamond which he has done in certain games as well. He did that to us when we won the last time at East End. He changed from a 3-5-2 to a 4-4-2.

“He will be looking for a reaction after the East Fife game. We are going down there to make sure that we give them a game. We have to get on their tails by trying to take the three points. They are looking over their shoulders at us.

“I know I sound like a stuck record at the moment. The players have to work hard, collectively do the right things. If they go out as an individual on Saturday, running about trying their hardest but taking themselves tactically out of what they are meant to be doing and Morton cause us problems because of it, that is not what we need.

“We need people being level headed, taking on information but also playing with a freedom within themselves that we have to go and create goalscoring chances that we can take and kill teams when we are on top.”

On player availability, Ryan Williamson trained this week, Louis Longridge is now running less pain free, Lewis Martin has had a tiny wee setback which is frustrating.

“It wasn’t a time for excuses last week after the game because you have got what you have got. We had enough about us to have had a better result last week but when you have Ryan Williamson, Lewis Martin out and Mark Durnan making himself available to the bench even though he had hurt his knee earlier in the week.

“Those are the wee bits and pieces that people don’t know. That is not an excuse, we still should have done better last week but on that side of it obviously Ryan has got a few days under his belt, Aidan Connolly had a bounce game on Monday. Robbie Muirhead got a game against Dundee United, Mark Durnan got some game time so it has been a more positive week for these boys.

“Competition makes it healthy and we know collectively and the boys know as well that we let ourselves down last week and we have to bounce back from it.”

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