Dunfermline Athletic

Chairman`s Christmas Message

Sunday, 24th Dec 2017

As ever, I am delighted to have this opportunity to write to the Pars Family, as Christmas approaches.

This year has proven to be another challenge, particularly these last few months, but you to have remain positive and deal with things appropriately. Since I become involved at DAFC, I have learned quickly that you cannot get too far ahead of yourself as there is always a kick in teeth waiting for you around the corner. With that in mind, I would again like to thank Vice Chairman, Billy Braisby, for his support along with the rest of the DAFC Board, our club’s staff and loyal supporters.

As supporters themselves, I always astonished by the commitment and time provided by our Board, in support of the club that they follow, for no financial recompense. The same can also be said, for so many other supporters who continually help our club out in so many ways, be it their time, expertise, skills or hard earned cash. It is really humbling to see what our community club means to so many people, and you can be assured that your Board will continue to work hard to move our great club forward.

In recent months we have sadly lost a number of friends, colleagues and supporters, in and around our club. It always seems to be tougher to take at this time of the year, when most families usually get together. We always strive to treat any death in the Pars Family with the respect and dignity that is due, and we try to ensure that at least one club director attends the funeral, to show our support for the grieving family.

It is also just over a year since the tragic death of club director, Margaret Ross and she continues to be sadly missed. Our thoughts are with Margaret`s partner, Tom, her family and all of her many friends at this difficult time.

After a good start to the league campaign, our results in the second quarter of the season have been disappointing, particularly when I feel that no team has looked superior to us. I thought the recent away performances at both Tannadice and Paisley, deserved a better return, but undoubtedly our recent home performances are the main reason why we have slipped down the table, despite a tremendous run of results at home at the start of the season. As the Manager has said himself, our performance in the last match at East End Park against Queen of the South was simply not good enough. However, the players responded well at Paisley, and there is no doubt that luck deserted us on the day. The fans who travelled to both Dundee and Paisley were magnificent, and really got right behind the team, albeit the players intensity and level of performance lifted them, and I do accept it is a two way thing. However, I would appeal to all of our supporters, particularly at home, to continue to encourage the players.

As a fan myself, I know how frustrating it can be when things are not going our way, but that happens during a long football season, however getting on the backs of our own players is counter-productive and lifts the opposition. We all need to stick together, particularly during periods like this. We are always stronger when we do so, and that along with improved performances on the park will help us back into contention for the play-offs.

Nonetheless, I would like place on record the Board’s appreciation for our supporters, not only home and away following our team, but what you all do in terms of fund raising, booking or attending events, buying merchandise and season tickets or contributing to the Centenary Club Lifeline. I continue to repeat that the loyalty and support shown will never be taken for granted.
At this time of year, I also like to thank our loyal staff for their hard work once again along with the very, many volunteers (there are unfortunately too many to name in person) who regularly help our club in terms of laundry, kit, cleaning, safety, security, stewarding, turnstiles, catering, programme copy and sales, 50-50 tickets, ball boys, mascots, media (website, social streams and Pars TV), photography, the Club and DASC Shop, hospitality areas, our community and schools engagement programmes and stadium maintenance. In addition, I would thank the many people involved with the Centenary Club Lifeline, 1885 Business Club, Pars Supporters Trust, Young Pars, Heritage Trust as well as all of the Supporters Clubs, who have all contributed to the cause.

Likewise, our many sponsors and advertisers. Everyone’s support is very much appreciated.

Can I wish all of our many loyal supporters, and their families, a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year when it comes – let’s hope 2018 is a good year for us all!

Come on Ye Pars!!!

Ross McArthur

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DAFC Archives
Dunfermline Athletic Heritage Trust. Information on past players, fixtures, league tables and archives can be found at www.daht.org.uk
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