Holders of Shares at DAFC
Sunday, 20th Nov 2016This announcement is addressed to any individual or organisation who believes that they own DAFC shares, but who has not received any form of communication from the Club relating to the Club’s statutory accounts or AGMs.
After the Club went into administration in April 2013 the vast majority of its Ordinary Shares were bought by Pars United CIC (“PUCIC”) in October 2013 This left a small minority of shares in the hands of legacy shareholders whose shares were not acquired by PUCIC from the administrators. These small legacy shareholdings remain in existence and in the ownership of the relevant shareholders.
It has become clear, however, that the information held on DAFC’s share register is incomplete or, in some cases, out of date. That has two particular implications: first, the Club is not able to send the relevant statutory information or voting material to all shareholders. and, second, the Club wastes a considerable amount of time and money in printing and mailing material to incorrect addresses.
There are a number of possible reasons why the information held by the Club is not completely accurate – for example, shareholders may have changed their address without informing the Club. or a shareholder may have died and the person inheriting the shares may not have informed the Club.
With well over 200 names on the share register, the Club needs to address this. The Club wants to be able to communicate quickly and properly with its shareholders. The cost and administrative burden of maintaining the Register in its present form are disproportionate to the resources available to the Club.
The Club is therefore asking that any person who is in the position described above contacts us at: shirley@dafc.co.uk, using the Subject Heading “Share Register”:
The Club is, for all practical purposes, controlled by Pars United CIC, which in turn is owned by a widespread group of fans, including the Pars Supporters Trust. Since the creation of the current structure, we understand that some legacy shareholders recognise the administrative burden faced by the Club and may be content to relinquish their legacy shareholdings to the Club. If you feel that course of action is appropriate, please let Shirley know that you are prepared to surrender your legacy shares.
Alternatively, for those who wish to retain their shareholding and have not been receiving recent communications, please provide as much of the following information as possible so that the Register can be updated:
- a note of your full name.
- a note of your full postal address.
- a note of your current email address.
- a note of the number of Ordinary Shares you believe you own.
- a note of any previous postal address that may be on the share register. and
- a note of how, when and from whom any Ordinary Shares were transferred to you.
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