Dunfermline Athletic

Managers Post Killie

Saturday, 12th May 2012

12/05/12: JJ- "I have got a lot of players out of contract, I have a meeting on Tuesday and today maybe confirmed one or two things for me."


Jim Jefferies was pleased to play some players who had been on the fringes of the first team:-

"I got a look at Ryan Thomson and Paul Willis and I was quite pleased with the first half. We knew what Kilmarnock would be like, they were going to have a lot of the ball. Maybe in the last third we wasted a few good opportunities that we wasted because we didn't make the right decisions. Balls in too early when we could have taken it right in, that sort of thing.

"We said at half time that it was important to start the second half well because they would try and up it. They did and we never really responded; they dominated the second half and Kelly got a great strike so they got the bit between their teeth and went for the winner.

R?yan Thomson hits a shot in the Clydesdale Bank Scottish Premier League game between Dunfermlin?e Athletic FC and Kilmarnock FC at East End Park Stadium, Dunfermlin?e
Ryan Thomson v Kilmarnock

"Although, it could have happened at the other end but that is just typical of this season for them. This game was all about me looking at players that I have not had a chance to look at. I have got a lot of players out of contract, I have a meeting on Tuesday and today maybe confirmed one or two things for me."

Comment by the Chairman on radio pre match had suggested that the first team squad would be cut from 28 to 22 for next season. Jim Jefferies was asked to comment:-

"Probably less than that, maybe including two or three younger players in that squad who could take part in the Under 20 League next season. We recognise them as potential first team players so he is right in one instance but I think as a senior pool we will be working on the basis of about 18. That doesn't leave too many spaces.

"We have already got so many under contract, you want to have two or three new players so there will have to be decisions made and maybe, as I said last week, maybe have to make decisions that maybe players that you want, you can't offer them enough. It is a different ball game when you go down to the First Division. I might lose players that I want to keep and I might have to keep players because I will not get any better for the money to attract them a) into the First Division and b) they might have better offers from other places.

"We will still have a decent budget for the First Division I would think because all the teams in the First Division work off tight budgets. We will be no different so that will not be an excuse. We just have to cut our cloth accordingly and get the best team on the pitch with what we have. We will look forward to that.

"It will not be easy to come back up, that division is never easy to get out of because I have had some cracking teams when I was in that First Division with Falkirk. It was never easy. There are a lot of teams who are capable of beating each other; it will be an exciting league next year."

Asked whether he agreed with his Chairman's views on the Rangers situation where sporting integrity is paramount, Jim Jefferies replied:-

"I have said all along, what we need is a strong Rangers and Celtic in Scottish Football nobody wants to see them go out. He made a very valid point last week, they have been mismanaged, it is not the players or the management there's fault. As he says if we didn't pay our tax, I would have had a million pounds and be expected to be in the top half of the league, never mind staying in the division.

"It is the people at the top who need to take the blame for that. As far as sporting integrity goes, some people will always look after their own house. At least John Yorkston has come out and said that he feels that its the sporting side of things that should happen while others are saying that they need their support. They are saying that you cannot ever relegate Rangers or Celtic because nobody ever thought that they would be in this situation.

"They need their crowds but to be honest I think it is a difficult one for the chairmen. They meet on 30th but I wouldn't like to be in their shoes. You are never going to win this one because some people are going to be unhappy because of the sporting integrity side and other ones know that Rangers are needed in the league. Good luck to them!"

K?enny Shiels post match in Scottish Premier League game between Dunfermlin?e Athletic FC and Kilmarnock FCAt East End Park Stadium, Dunfermlin?e. Picture, Craig Brown

Kilmarnock manager Kenny Shiels thought that it looked to him from around the half hour mark that Kilmarnock could come back and win the game:-

"We have played over 20 games this season without a natural striker and we had to that again today. Within our vehicle, we are without a steering wheel. You just can't keep playing without a striker. It is the most expensive part of our commodity and that is what makes our season all the more remarkable.

"We have played young Gros up there with Harkins and Shiels both floating about. In the first half it was so obvious that we needed a striker so we tried to get the full backs down the side. We brought on some more kids who performed really well.

.K?enny Shiels pats Michael Nelson on the shoulder

"That is part of our long term development plan. We have played nine who are 17 or 18 years of age since Christmas. That's high risk but we have to keep developing young Scottish players and I want Kilmarnock to be right up there at the forefront of that."

The goal for Liam Kelly and the fans chanting his name was some comfort for a player who has had highs and lows this season:-

"I was pleased for him; it was like an epitaph for his father and that was his message - season over, job done. He is such a good guy and he goes about his work in a very professional manner. I am delighted that Liam has finished the season on a high."

Match Report: Dunfermline 1 Kilmarnock 2

Season Ticket Info 2012-13

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