Dunfermline Athletic

Season Card Terms and Conditions





Cancellation Period The period set out in Clause 2 of the Detailed Provisions

Card A Full Season Card and a Mid-Season card

the Club Dunfermline Athletic Football Club Ltd

Full Season Card Card covering the Season

Holder The person named on the Season Card

Mid-Season The period from 1 January 2024 to 31 May 2024

Mid-Season Card Card covering the Mid-Season

the Season The period from 1 June 2023 to 31 May 2024

Stadium East End Park, Halbeath Road, Dunfermline, Fife KY12 7RB

the Terms These terms and conditions

References in the Terms to “we”, “us”, “our” etc. apply to the Club. References to “you”, ‘your” etc. apply to the person purchasing the Card, who may or may not be the Holder. When we use the words "writing" or "written" in the Terms, this includes email.

What the Terms cover
These are the Terms on which the Club supplies its 2023-24 Season Cards and 2023-24 Mid-Season Cards. Unless terminated earlier, as described below, Card rights will terminate at the end of the Season.

Why you should read them
Please read the Terms carefully before you submit your order to us. The Terms explain: who we are; how we will provide your Card(s) and associated services; how you, and we, may change or end the contract; what to do if there is a problem; and other important information. If you think that there is a mistake in the Terms, please contact us to discuss the matter.

How to contact us
You can contact us by telephoning the Ticket Office at 01383 745909 or by writing to us: by email to shop@dafc.co.uk; or by post to Ticket Office, East End Park, Halbeath Road, Dunfermline, KY12 7RB.

How we may contact you
If we have to contact you, we will do so by telephone or by writing to you at the email address or postal address you provided to us at the time of your order.

How we will accept your order
Our acceptance of your order occurs when we confirm your order, at which point a contract will come into existence between you and us.

If we cannot accept your order
If we are unable to accept your order, we will tell you and we will not charge you for the Card. Cards are sold subject to a Stadium safety certificate’s being granted by the appropriate authorities.

We will create any new Cards (or replacement Cards, where a new Card is required by the you) by the later of: 30 days from the date we accept your order; and, 1 August 2023. In the case of a Card renewal, a new Card will be issued and will be available to be collected from the Stadium, unless we have agreed an alternative method of delivery with you.

Use of Card
Subject to the Terms, a Card grants the Holder (but no other person) entry to the Stadium and the right (subject to clause 8) to occupy the specified seat for matches for which the Card is valid (see Clause 1 below).

Binding Rules and Regulations
The Holder’s use of the Card is subject to acceptance of the following, each of which can change from time to time: i) the Ground Regulations, which are displayed at the Stadium and published on our website; (ii) the Scottish football authorities’ Unacceptable Conduct Rules, which are published on our website; (iii) the terms of any Supporters’ Charter or Code of Conduct adopted by, or binding on, the Club; and (iv) the rules and regulations of any football authority binding on the Club; copies of all of which are all available to be read at www.dafc.co.uk.

Your Responsibility for the Card
The Card will be your responsibility from the time you collect it from us or we deliver it to the address you gave us for delivery. The Card is for use solely by the Holder and no transfer, or use by any other person, of the Card is permitted unless we have given our written consent (see Clause 5 below).

1. Card Services
Each Card is valid for entry to the Stadium for certain matches, depending on the type of Card purchased. A Full Season Card is valid for entry to each of our home SPFL League One matches taking place in the Season. A Mid-Season Card is valid for entry to each of our home SPFL League One matches taking place during the Mid-Season.

2. Your right to change your mind
You may change your mind and cancel the contract at any time within 14 days from the date on which the contract comes into existence.
3. Your right to end the contract
After the Cancellation Period, you can still end the contract if we have not delivered the services promised or if we are unable to deliver the services due to reasons outside our control. In all other cases, you will not be able to end the contract and will be committed to the Card for the whole of the Season or Mid-Season, as appropriate.

4. How to end the contract and refunds
To end the contract, you must either: (a) email us at shop@dafc.co.uk; or (b) write to us at Ticket Office, East End Park, Halbeath Road, Dunfermline, KY12 7RB. Please include: your client reference, your name and address and, where applicable, your phone number and email address. On ending the contract (including where you have changed your mind) we will deactivate the Card. Where you end the contract during the Cancellation Period or end the contract in terms of clause 3, you may make a claim for a refund of the portion of the full price that you paid for the Card represented by the outstanding matches to which the Card granted entry. We shall use our best endeavours make any refund due within 14 days of receipt of the refund claim, using the same payment method used to purchase the Card, unless you and we both agree otherwise in writing.

5. Restrictions on re-sale or transfer
The Card is for the use by the Holder only. Re-sale or transfer of the Card is prohibited without our written consent. If there is a breach of this condition, we may deactivate the Card and retain any money paid for it to the extent needed to pay for costs and losses we suffer as a result of unauthorised transfer or re-sale.

6. Discounted and concessionary Card prices
Where Cards are offered for sale or renewal at prices which are reduced by reference to age, it is the Holder’s age on 1 August 2023 that determines whether or not the discounted price is available. If it comes to our attention that a Card has been acquired at a discounted price in circumstances where the age condition is not satisfied, we reserve the right, at our discretion, to deactivate the Card without recompense.

7. Stadium entry
A Holder will not be admitted to the Stadium without his/her Card or, at our discretion, the appropriate match voucher or a valid match ticket. The Card is not valid for any events at the Stadium other than the football matches specified in the Terms. We may refuse admission to the Stadium for reasonable cause.

8. Seat location
In normal circumstances, a Card will specify the seat allocated to the Holder. We may however, at our absolute discretion, relocate the Holder to an alternative seat or part of the Stadium for any match. The circumstances in which this right may be exercised include, but are not limited to, the following: (a) if we are required under the rules of a competition, or otherwise, to provide seating for use by, or for, the competition organiser and/or visiting team; (b) if the section of the Stadium in which a Holder’s seat is located has been closed or made subject to social distancing measures; and (c) for safety, security, refurbishment, alteration or other operational reasons. Reasonable efforts will be made by us to provide a comparable seat. If a Holder asks us to change the seat allocated to a Card, a fee of £20 will be payable by the Holder if we accept the request.

9. Additional rights
Purchase of a Card will entitle the Holder to purchase, if available, a ticket or package of tickets offered for sale by us for any other home match at the Stadium in which the Club participates. For the avoidance of doubt, this does not apply where the Stadium is being used as a neutral venue or has been hired by a third party. At our discretion, the opportunity to purchase may be given priority over general public sales of those tickets or packages up to a publicised date in advance of that match or those matches. After that publicised date, the ticket or multiple match package may be offered by us for public sale. Purchase of a ticket or multiple match package does not guarantee you the use of your specified seat. Other than with our consent, where the ticket or tickets offered for sale by us are for a package of games, a Holder cannot choose to purchase a ticket for a smaller number of matches than that included in the package.

10. Standards of conduct
Holders of Cards are regarded by us as ambassadors of the Club and its supporters worldwide. Holders are required to conduct themselves in a manner befitting that status when travelling to, and attending, any Club match during the Season. Drunkenness, foul, insulting, offensive or abusive language or behaviour; racist, discriminatory or sectarian behaviour, remarks, songs, chants, banners or displays; and the promotion or endorsement of any political organisation are not permitted within the Stadium or on the Club’s property, or at any matches involving the Club. If a Holder breaches the Terms, the Ground Regulations, or the Unacceptable Conduct Rules or if a Holder commits any criminal offence at any match involving the Club, we may take any, or all, of the following steps: (a) issue a warning; (b) refuse entry to the Stadium; (c) eject the Holder from the Stadium; (d) confiscate and/ or deactivate the Card; (e) exclude the Holder from future entry to the Stadium and/or withdraw the ability to buy additional Cards or tickets for such period as we consider appropriate; (f) terminate this contract; and (g) take separate legal action against the Holder.

11. Card deactivation
We may deactivate, or require the return of, the Card or withdraw the option to buy additional Cards or tickets or any other benefits if the Holder behaves at, or while travelling to, any Club match in a manner which we, in our reasonable opinion, consider to have brought the Club or its supporters into disrepute. In the event of deactivation in these circumstances, we will, if there has been no other breach of the Terms, refund an amount pro rata for any home matches included within the Card remaining to be played that season. Refunds in other circumstances will be subject to Clause 12. The following will automatically be considered by us to be serious matters leading to possible ejection from the Stadium, deactivation of a Card and future exclusion from the Stadium: a breach of Clause 10; repeated minor breaches; failure to comply with warnings or instructions from Club officials, stewards or the police; committing a criminal offence; and endangering the health or safety of yourself and/or others. This list is not exhaustive and any breach of the Ground Regulations, the Unacceptable Conduct Rules or the terms of any Supporters’ Charter or Code of Conduct may lead to deactivation.

12. Card re-activation - returns, refunds and your liability
Reactivation of a deactivated Card will be at our discretion. No refund or compensation will be paid if a Card has been deactivated due to a serious breach that has resulted in disciplinary action against us by the football authorities, or a loss to, or liability on the part of, us. In all other instances, refunds will be dependent on the losses suffered by us as a result of the behaviour leading to the deactivation.

13. The Holder’s liability
The Holder (whether acting alone or with others) will be jointly and individually liable, and may be subject to legal action by us, for recovery of any fines, losses, penalties, liability or damages suffered or incurred by us (including disciplinary action by the football authorities) as a direct or indirect result of the conduct or behaviour of the Holder (or any third party to whom the Holder has provided his/her Card, with or without our consent) at any Club match at any home or away venue, whether or not included within the Card.

14. Match dates and times
All match dates and times are subject to change. We are not obliged to provide a refund or compensation if the dates or times of matches for which the Card is valid change or are unsuitable for the Holder, or if the Holder is unable for any reason to attend matches included within the Card.

15. Lost, damaged or stolen Cards
It is the Holder’s responsibility to take care of the Card. We are not obliged to replace the Card if it is lost, misplaced, stolen or damaged. Lost or stolen Cards must be reported to us without delay. We may, at our discretion, following the provision of satisfactory evidence, issue a single match ticket or replacement Card on payment to us of a non-refundable administration and replacement fee of £10 for a replacement Card.

16. Personal data
We are a data controller in respect of personal data submitted by you and will hold and process personal data for legal and administrative purposes and, with your consent, for marketing purposes. The personal data provided to us will be processed, stored and transferred in accordance with the terms of our privacy policy, which can be read at www.dafc.co.uk. We will use the information you give us to send you information as set out in the Data Protection Statement on the Card application form. By entering the Stadium, you are deemed to consent to our use of personal data as set out in the Ground Regulations.

17. Under-16s
If the Holder is under 16 years old, the Holder’s parent(s) and/or guardian(s) and/or the individual making payment for the Holder’s Card will also be responsible for the Holder’s actions, conduct and compliance with the Terms and, where appropriate (but excluding references to the right to enter the Stadium), any references in these terms to `the Holder` shall be deemed to include the individual specified here as having responsibility for the Holder.

18. Government Restrictions
Restrictions imposed by government or other authorities may give rise to operational issues entirely outside our control. Those issues may include a prohibition on spectators attending matches or a limit on the number of spectators who can attend matches. Holders should be aware that, in the event that we cannot provide access to the Stadium for any particular match because of such restrictions, we will endeavour, but cannot guarantee, to provide a means to ensure that the Holder has access to a live stream of the match provided by ParsTV.

Views : 12,190

Archived website
This website served as the official Dunfermline Athletic website from season 2006-2007 until season 2022-2023.

Stories, match reports and interviews for these seasons can still be accessed here.

The current DAFC website with up to date information is on this link https://DAFC.co.uk
DAFC Archives
Dunfermline Athletic Heritage Trust. Information on past players, fixtures, league tables and archives can be found at www.daht.org.uk
For Season 2023/2024 SPFL regulations mean that on a Saturday afternoon we have to offer a Subscription service for overseas viewers. This will either be a monthly or a yearly subscription (on a Saturday it is FOR OVERSEAS viewers only - some dates are exempt.) https://ParsTV.co.uk
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