Statement from Pars United CIC
Tuesday, 24th May 2016The Board of Pars United CIC is delighted to announce the appointments of three new directors, following the company’s AGM at East End Park on Monday 23 May 2016.
This is a very important step in the evolution of Pars United.
In 2013, when the Pars United movement was being formed, it had as a core vision a two-tier board structure for our football club – an executive board, which would look after the running and strategic direction of the club, and a supervisory board, which would monitor the actions of the executive board.
Until now, that two-tier structure had not been achieved, as the boards of both Pars United CIC and of DAFC were virtually identical.
Now, however, following the Pars United CIC’s board’s request for new blood to take on directors’ roles the company has now started the transition to a Pars United board fully independent from the board of the football club.
Margaret Ross, Ian Hunter and Ross McArthur (each of whom is also a director of DAFC) were each required by the company’s articles to retire at the AGM and none of them put themselves forward for re-appointment.
Margaret has been replaced by Gordon Milne as an A Director. Gordon was nominated by The Pars Supporters’ Trust.
Ian was replaced by William Braisby as a B Director, who was appointed by the B Shareholders.
Ross was replaced by Donald Adamson who was appointed by the company in general meeting.
The Pars United CIC board now comprises of: Bob Garmory (Chair); Donald Adamson; William Braisby; Drew Main; Kip McBay; and Gordon Milne and has gone from having only one director who was independent of the DAFC board to now having four independent directors.
The boards of both companies see this as a very important change which will be beneficial in cementing the highest standards of corporate governance to the group.
The DAFC Board remains unchanged.
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