DAFC response to the Pars Community
Wednesday, 20th Feb 2013DAFC confirm willingness to meet with The Pars Community
Dunfermline Athletic Football Club received a copy of the The Pars Community (TPC) letter at 3.40 pm on Tuesday and were dismayed but not surprised that by 4.30 pm the letter was in the hands of the media.
DAFC do not believe that conducting discussions between DAFC and TPC of this nature, through ongoing media releases before DAFC has had any opportunity to respond, is particularly sensible or effective.
It has been stated publicly and to TPC that DAFC are more than happy to meet, and DAFC have stated publicly that the two overall long term visions for the club do not vary that significantly.
However in order to set the record straight, DAFC had requested a meeting with TPC which was declined with TPC indicating at that time that they intended to have a period of reflection. In addition in DAFC's last correspondence to TPC a number of extremely important questions, were asked, which required answers before furthering discussions - as yet no answers have been received to these questions.
There remains a critical short term plan for the club to survive and DAFC remains firmly of the belief that all supporters of the Pars need to get behind the share issue - unless we do so then there simply will be no club.TPC's indication of an interest to participate in the share issue is welcomed.
The share issue is being prepared by a highly reputable financial services company and will be fully compliant with all the strict and stringent regulations which exist when any offer such as this comes in to the public domain. The share prospectus is all but finalised but further to a detailed review by our financial advisors and legal experts on Tuesday afternoon one or two minor amends now need to be made to the final document.
At this time we fully expect the finalised prospectus to be published shortly.
We have stated consistently that Dunfermline is not big enough to sustain constant squabbling. We have a clear vision and way forward that will longer term bring financial stability and a model of operation that will provide far greater fan involvment than almost any other club in Scotland.
On receipt of the finalised prospectus, if any potential investor has queries about the share issue these should be submitted to shareissue@dafc.co.uk , in the first instance, and they will then be treated with the strictest confidence that they deserve.
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